Listen Now: Justice Secured For Woman Viciously Attacked By Dog

Dog Attack Lawyer
Tags dog attack, legal rights, New York Legal Rights, personal injury, personal injury lawsuit, personal injury lawyer

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Trial lawyers Nathan Werksman of Merson Law PLLC and Jon Davidi at Panish|Shea|Boyle|Ravipudi LLP discuss how they secured justice for a woman who was viciously attacked by a dog as well as the challenges of conducting a jury trial held at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

On December 15, 2016, plaintiff Jennefer Jones took a walk around her neighborhood and attempted to pass neighbor Mathew Epstein, who was walking a 55-pound Rhodesian Ridgeback named Turkey on the sidewalk.

Turkey lunged and attacked Jennefer, biting her right forearm, breaking the skin and dragging her to the ground, where she fell on her elbow.

Jennefer was later diagnosed with two injuries: radial tunnel syndrome in her forearm and lateral epicondylitis in her elbow.

Despite being put in a cast, injected with platelet-rich plasma and more than 80 physical therapy sessions, Jennefer continued to experience pain that greatly affected her ability to perform everyday tasks and to work as a golf instructor.

The defense argued that Turkey didn’t bite Jennefer but simply scratched her and asserted that any pain is from a pre-existing condition or an overuse injury related to her golf instruction career.

Nathan Werksman and Jon Davidi called out the defense’s tactic of referring to Jennefer’s lateral epicondylitis by its more common name of “tennis elbow” to persuade the jury of the injury’s true origin.

In October 2020, an Orange County, California jury found in favor of Jennefer and awarded her $309,250 in damages.

Listen to the full podcast below:

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