New York Catholic Church Priest & Clergy Sex Abuse List

New York Priest Sex Abuse List: A list of Roman Catholic Priests & Clergy members of the New York Diocese accused of sex abuse and/or sexual assault of minors.

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Merson Law has compiled a list of Roman Catholic Priests and Clergy members (the New York priest sex abuse list) accused of sexual abuse and/or sexual assault of minors. The Sexual Assault team at Merson Law specializes in Catholic Clergy and Priest Sex Abuse and Sexual Assault cases.

This information found in this list is compiled from the Database of Publicly Accused Priests and does not state or imply that individuals facing allegations are guilty of a crime or liable for civil claims. The reports contained in the database are merely allegations. The U.S. legal system presumes that a person accused of or charged with a crime is innocent until proven guilty.

Similarly, individuals who may be defendants in civil actions are presumed not to be liable for such claims unless a plaintiff proves otherwise. Admissions of guilt or liability are not typically a part of civil or private settlements.

Were You Sexually Abused or Sexually Assaulted by a New York Catholic Diocese Priest or Clergy Member?

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New York Priest Sex Abuse List

Merson Law’s New York Priest Sex Abuse List was compiled from accounts of sexual abuse by a member of the New York Catholic Church network. The names in this list are only those that have been found to be credible, however it is likely that there are names missing, due to the sheer number of accounts and the historical aversion to transparency by the Catholic Church.

This list is not endorsed by the Archdiocese, which has yet to release the names of priests found guilty through its own internal investigations.

Last Name First Name, MI Diocese Status
Adams Anthony Albany Deceased 1995
Bentley David Albany Removed 2002
Bertolucci John Albany Deceased 2015
Boucher Anthony Albany Deceased 1972
Casey Liam Albany Removed 2004
Connolly John Albany Removed 2003
Cronin Michael Albany Resigned 1977
Dicerbo Almerico Albany Deceased 2004
DiMaggio Joseph Albany Deceased 2004
Either Raymond Albany Removed 2007
Ermlich Ferdinand Albany Resigned 1970, Deceased 1999
Fitzpatrick John Albany Removed 1996
Garcia Angel Albany Removed 2010
George Thomas Albany Removed 1993, Deceased 2011
Gilmour Edward Albany Deceased 1977
Gulley Anthony Albany Deceased 2013
Guzielek Laidslaus Albany Deceased 1965
Haight Mark Albany Removed 1997
Jones Richard Albany Resigned 1986
Kelly James Albany Removed 2003
Keyrouze Joseph Albany Removed 1999, Deceased 2005
Klebauskas John Albany Removed 1980, Deceased 1981
Kranch Peter Albany Deceased 2001
Leroux Edward Albany Removed 2002, Deceased 2005
Mancuso Joseph Albany Removed 2002
Melfe Frances Albany Resigned 1979
Mercure Gary Albany Removed 2008, Incarcerated 2011
McDevitt James Albany Removed 2009
McDermott James Albany Resigned 1997
McMahon Sean Albany Removed 2003, Deceased 2017
McNerney James Albany Removed 2004
Miller Michael Albany Removed 2001
Nunan Jeremiah Albany Removed 2018
O’Connor John Albany Deceased 1961
Phillips John Albany Deceased 2001
Pratt Edward Albany Removed 2002
Purcell Robert Albany Deceased 2014
Rodino Samuel Albany Removed 2009, Case on appeal in Rome
Romano Joseph Albany Removed 2003
Rosch James Albany Removed 2002
Shinos Robert Albany Removed 2004, Deceased 2019
Slavin William Albany Deceased 1983
Starks Donald Albany Deceased 1989
Starks Mansfield Albany Deceased 2004
Stone Carl Albany Removed 1982, Deceased 2006
Taylor Michael Albany Removed 2014
Wilson Dozia Albany Removed 1991
Aurelio John R. Buffalo Deceased 2009
Becker Donald W. Buffalo
Bialkowski David W. Buffalo
Biesinger Robert J. Buffalo Deceased 2012
Cotter James H. Buffalo Deceased 1991
Fafinski Donald S. Buffalo
Faraci Douglas F. Buffalo
Fingerle Fred G. Buffalo Deceased 2002
Freeman Michael R. Buffalo Deceased 2010
Friel Joseph P. Buffalo Deceased 1995
Friel Mark M. Buffalo
Gresock Thomas G. Buffalo
Hajduk John P. Buffalo
Harrington Michael J. Buffalo Deceased 1989
Hatrick Brian M. Buffalo
Hayes James P. Buffalo Deceased 1988
Hendricks Louis J. Buffalo Deceased 1990
Higgins J. Grant Buffalo Deceased 2016
Hogan Francis T. Buffalo Deceased 2010
Ingalls Fred D. Buffalo
Jasinski Florian A. Buffalo Deceased 1983
Jasinski Gerald C. Buffalo
Judd Richard P. Buffalo Deceased 1988
Kelley Timothy J. Buffalo
Kemp Thomas L. Buffalo
Keppeler Richad J. Buffalo Deceased 2011
Lewandowski John D. Buffalo Deceased 1982
Mach Bernard M. Buffalo Deceased 2004
Martlock Loville N. Buffalo Deceased 2014
McCarthy Thomas J. Buffalo
Ormsby Basil A. Buffalo Deceased 1997
Orsolits Norbert F. Buffalo
Pavlock Martin L. Buffalo
Ronald Roy K. Buffalo Deceased 2013
Schieder Joseph E. Buffalo Deceased 1996
Smyczynski Gerard A. Buffalo Deceased 1999
Spielman James A. Buffalo
Stachewicz Chester S. Buffalo Deceased 2010
Walker Edward J. Buffalo Deceased 2002
Ward William G. Buffalo Deceased 2008
White William F. J. Buffalo Deceased 2016
Wood Buffalo
Birchmeyer Robert J. Syracuse Removed from Ministry
Brigandi Paul A. Syracuse Deceased
Broderick John W. Syracuse Removed from Ministry
Colosimo Felix R. Syracuse Deceased
Durr Edmund J. Syracuse Removed from Ministry
Eckermann Charles H. Syracuse Deceased
Furfaro Francis J. Syracuse Deceased
Guyder Thomas F. Syracuse Deceased
Harrold John F. Syracuse Dismissed from Clerical State
Hayes James C. Syracuse Removed from Ministry
Hebert Donald J. Syracuse Removed from Ministry
Heizman Leo J. Syracuse Deceased
Jutton David J. Syracuse Deceased
Keating, III Thomas F. Syracuse Deceased
Kloster Robert J. Syracuse Removed from Ministry
Lane, Jr. C. Vincent Syracuse Removed from Ministry
Lorenz William A. Syracuse Removed from Ministry
Madore Edward C. “Ted” Syracuse Laicized
Mattice, Jr. George F. Syracuse Removed from Ministry
Misercola Chester A. Syracuse Removed from Ministry
Ours Robert A. Syracuse Removed from Ministry
Pace Joseph A. Syracuse Laicized
Pichette David A. Syracuse Dismissed from Clerical State
Proud Albert J. Syracuse Removed from Ministry
Quinn James A. Syracuse Removed from Ministry
Quinn James F. Syracuse Deceased
Sewall H. Charles Syracuse Deceased
Slavetskas Paul J. Syracuse Deceased
Wagner John P. Syracuse Removed from Ministry
Weber Jerome F. Syracuse Removed from Ministry
Zedar Thomas J. Syracuse Deceased
Zeder John M. Syracuse Deceased
Casey Daniel W. Syracuse Deceased
Crosby Donald J. Syracuse Deceased
Kieley Edward X. Syracuse Deceased
Litz, Jr. Steven J. Syracuse Deceased
Sinnott Walter A. Syracuse Deceased
Bayley Thomas S. Syracuse Deceased
Bogan Robert F. Syracuse Deceased
Bowen Roger A. Syracuse Deceased
Donovan John H. Syracuse Deceased
Gallagher Luke V. Syracuse Deceased
Garstka Bernard A. Syracuse Deceased
Gorman Donald L. Syracuse Deceased
Hattala Ferdinand A. Syracuse Deceased
Holihan Edgar M. Syracuse Deceased
Humphrey Edward P. Syracuse Deceased
Lynch William J. Syracuse Deceased
McCarthy John A. Syracuse Deceased
Morris William J. Syracuse Deceased
Morse John J. “Jack” Syracuse Deceased
Neary, Jr. Thomas E. Syracuse Deceased
Powell Thomas M. Syracuse Deceased
Quaid Edward George Syracuse Deceased
Sammons Francis L. Syracuse Deceased
Tracy Martin J. Syracuse Deceased
Walker David J. Syracuse Deceased
Burr Thomas Rochester
Corbett Thomas Rochester
Hammond Robert Rochester
Lum William Rochester
Panepinto Vincent Rochester
Simon David Rochester
Vogt Francis Rochester Deceased
Winterkorn Robert Rochester Deceased
Schnacky Paul Rochester
Emo Eugene Rochester Dismissed from Clerical State
Sewar Dennis Rochester Dismissed from Clerical State
Shaw Dennis Rochester Dismissed from Clerical State
Cason Albert Rochester Deceased
Cloonan Paul Rochester Deceased
Guli Gerard Rochester
Larrabee Joseph Rochester
Rogers Foster Rochester
Volino Michael Rochester
Gramkee David Rochester
O’Neill Robert Rochester
Steger John Rochester
Sundholm Conrad Rochester
Bonin David Rochester
Ager Fay Ogdensburg
Conti Joseph Ogdensburg Deceased
Degen Joseph Ogdensburg Deceased
Deroisers Francis Ogdensburg Deceased
Duford Robert Ogdensburg Deceased
Fallon John Ogdensburg Deceased
Farchette Ronald Ogdensburg
Favreau Bruce Ogdensburg
Franklin Edward Ogdensburg Deceased
Gillette Theodore Ogdensburg Deceased
Hunt John Ogdensburg Deceased
Kennedy Edwin Ogdensburg Deceased
Kennedy John Ogdensburg Deceased
Lalonde Emile Ogdensburg Deceased
Larche James Ogdensburg
Martin Roger Ogdensburg Deceased
McGrath Gerald Ogdensburg Deceased
Menard Roland Ogdensburg
O’Doherty Liam Ogdensburg
Oehler Paul Ogdensburg Deceased
Plante Albert Ogdensburg Deceased
Sharland Gerald Ogdensburg Deceased
Shurtleff Robert Ogdensburg
Squires Thomas Ogdensburg
Tobin George Ogdensburg Deceased
Toth Michael Ogdensburg
White Clark Ogdensburg
Wiley John Ogdensburg Deceased
Wisniewski David Ogdensburg
Worczak Paul Ogdensburg
Abrams John L. Brooklyn Removed from ministry 11/10/2004
Deceased – 7/5/2008
Acciarito Anthony Brooklyn Permanently removed from ministry 7/22/2002
Aufiero Louis Brooklyn Deceased – 5/24/2015
Authenrieth William L. Brooklyn Removed from ministry 1980’s
Deceased – 6/24/2015
Bals John Brooklyn
Bedoya Hugo F. Brooklyn Permanently removed from ministry 6/19/2012
Brady Thomas F. Brooklyn Restrictions made 2/25/2012
Deceased – 3/25/2013
Brennan Edward Brooklyn Placed on restriction 2/19/1999
Deceased – 1/19/2000
Byrns Joseph P. Brooklyn Removed from ministry 6/25/2004
Laicized 5/18/2013
Callahan Brian Brooklyn Deceased – 12/15/2003
Capellupo Francis Brooklyn Removed from ministry in 2001.
Laicized 06/04/2012
Deceased – 3/17/2017
Capillo John D. Brooklyn Deceased – 5/31/2001
Capua Nicholas J. Brooklyn Removed from ministry June 15, 2007
Deceased – 8/2/2010
Coleman Christopher L. Brooklyn Removed from ministry 1/13/2010
Laicized 12/11/2013
Collins James P. Brooklyn Permanently removed from ministry – 7/22/2002
Connolly Eugene A. Brooklyn Removed from ministry 11/30/2004
Deceased – 12/19/2017
Dwyer John R. Brooklyn Permanently removed from ministry 7/1/2002
Failla Anthony Brooklyn Permanently removed from ministry 11/14/2002
Deceased – 3/31/2018
Ferraro Romano J. Brooklyn Removed from ministry 1988
Laicized 12/16/2011
Incarcerated for life
Ferro Robert Brooklyn Removed from ministry 9/23/2003
Deceased – 5/21/2004
Finger William Brooklyn Laicized 01/02/2002
Frost James I. Brooklyn Permanently removed from ministry 7/22/2002
Gallo Vincent Brooklyn Permanently Removed from ministry 6/26/2018
Guiry Robert Brooklyn Left priesthood in 1991, Laicized 6/24/2006
Hassan Joseph Brooklyn Laicized 06/11/1976
Hauser John Brooklyn Permanently removed from ministry 5/20/2015
Huckemeyer Edward J.
Brooklyn No longer in ministry-status in process.
Kayser George Brooklyn Deceased – 6/3/2010
Keller Brian Brooklyn 7/2002 placed on administrative leave. Permanently removed from ministry 10/28/2011.
Lara James R. Brooklyn Removed from ministry 1992. Laicized 3/30/2007
Lukianiuk Andrezj Brooklyn Permanently removed from ministry 6/23/2011
Mangini Charles M. Brooklyn Removed from ministry 8/11/2003. Laicized 5/25/2007
Manzo Francis Brooklyn Permanently removed from ministry 2/20/2003
Maurer Edward L. Brooklyn Permanently removed from ministry 7/22/2002
Deceased – 8/20/2016
McCloud Henry Brooklyn Deceased – 10/2/1979
McConnin Robert Brooklyn Removed from ministry 2/15/2007
Laicized 04/24/2015
McElroy Herbert Brooklyn Deceased – 1/3/2004
McLoughlin John Brooklyn Deceased – 8/3/1994
McNicholas Edward Brooklyn Permanently removed from ministry May 9, 1994
Deceased – 8/4/2003
Minichello Arthur Brooklyn Permanently removed from ministry June 21, 2018
Morrow Thomas Brooklyn Removed from ministry 12/20/2004
Laicized 1/13/2012
Mulhall Francis X. Brooklyn Removed from ministry 2002
Deceased – 9/23/2009
Nohilly Thomas Brooklyn Removed from ministry 7/22/2002
Laicized 11/25/2011
Deceased – 1/25/2019
O’Brien James Brooklyn Permanently removed from ministry 2002
O’Rourke Thomas J. Brooklyn Deceased – 6/11/1998
Otero Cornelius Brooklyn Deceased – 1/15/1998
Petekiewicz Robert P. Brooklyn Permanently removed from ministry 9/10/2015
Placa Stephen Brooklyn Laicized 11/25/2011
Prochaski Adam Brooklyn Resigned from ministry October 1994
Pugliese Joseph Brooklyn Removed from ministry 1996
Deceased – 5/6/1998
Purcell Arthur D. Brooklyn Permanently removed from ministry 8/30/2004
Raveneau Ricardo Brooklyn Permanently removed from ministry 4/2/2002
Russo James E. Brooklyn Laicized by the Diocese of St. Petersburg, FL on 9/9/2016
Ryan Barry J. Brooklyn Removed from ministry 1994. Laicized 10/28/2011
Salamone Michael Brooklyn Permanently removed from ministry 4/2/2002
Schuck Joseph Brooklyn Removed from ministry 2003
Deceased – 4/22/2014
Sexton Patrick O. Brooklyn Removed from ministry 6/25/2004. Laicized 4/7/2006
Sforza Vincent Brooklyn Left priesthood in 1975, was laicized 1/14/1977
Deceased – 2/22/2010
Sheehan Daniel J. Brooklyn Placed on restrictions 2/11/1998. Laicized 2/13/2012
Sickler James Brooklyn Deceased – 10/13/1996
Smith James T Brooklyn Removed from ministry in 2002
Deceased – 01/17/2012
Stack George J. Brooklyn Removed from ministry in 2002
Titone Robert A. Brooklyn Deceased – 08/14/2001
Vazhappily Paul Brooklyn Permanently removed from ministry 4/3/2006
Voiland George Brooklyn Permanently removed from ministry 6/28/2004
Deceased – 12/04/2012
Weber Joseph J. Brooklyn Permanently removed from ministry 6/27/2002
Wicks Kenneth Brooklyn Deceased – 11/20/1993
Zatarga George F. Brooklyn Removed from ministry 11/30/2007
Deceased – 08/28/2011

Please note that this New York priest sex abuse list is not an exhaustive and complete list because new information of sexual abuses and sexual assaults by priests and clergy of the Roman Catholic Church becomes available daily.

Please bookmark this page and check back regularly for more up-to-date information on this priest abuse list as it becomes available.

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