Are you a sex abuse victim of the Alexander Brothers? You may be entitled to justice and compensation.

$200 Million
$14 Million
$8 Million
$11.95 Million
$28.5 Million
$28 Million
$7.3 Million
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$100 million
$225 Million
$6.5 Million
$6.25 Million
Legal Representation Against the Alexander Brothers
Welcome to the dedicated page for legal representation against Alon, Oren, and Tal Alexander. The Merson Law firm is committed to pursuing justice for individuals who have been affected by the alleged sexual misconduct of these prominent figures in the real estate industry. Below, you’ll find information about our approach, the allegations, and how we can assist you.
About the Case
The Alexander brothers, Alon, Oren, and Tal, have garnered acclaim in the world of luxury real estate, overseeing high-profile transactions and gaining prominence in elite social circles. However, their reputations have been tarnished by a series of serious allegations spanning multiple decades.
Allegations of Sexual Assault and Misconduct: Accusations of sexual assault and misconduct have surfaced from over 30 women against Alon and Oren Alexander. These allegations paint a disturbing pattern of abuse of power and exploitation of their social and professional standing. The incidents allegedly occurred in various settings, including their residences and social gatherings, where the brothers are accused of using drugs, alcohol, and their influence to coerce or assault women.
Pivotal Legal Actions: Angelica Parker’s recent legal action is pivotal in the pursuit of accountability. Her lawsuit, notable for naming all three Alexander brothers, seeks justice and aims to hold them accountable for their alleged actions. This case underscores the importance of legal recourse in challenging situations where individuals in positions of influence may have acted with impunity.
Impact and Public Response: The allegations have garnered significant public attention and scrutiny, highlighting issues of power dynamics, consent, and the rights of victims. The legal proceedings against the Alexanders are not only seeking justice for the alleged victims but also serve as a critical moment in addressing systemic issues of abuse and misconduct in privileged circles.
If you are a victim of the Alexander Brothers, you are urged to contact us.
You Deserve Justice. Get The Representation You Deserve.
Our Commitment to Justice: At Merson Law, we are committed to advocating for those affected by sexual assault and misconduct. We stand alongside victims seeking justice and accountability, offering compassionate legal representation tailored to their needs. Our goal is to ensure that every voice is heard and that the legal process serves to uphold the rights and dignity of all individuals involved.
Who Is Merson Law?

Founder Jordan Merson of Merson Law has built a stellar reputation representing sexual assault clients. He was named to the Forbes top 200 Lawyers in America for 2024 and was one of eight personal injury Lawyers selected to the list and the only one in New York City.
Confidently led by Mr. Merson, the sexual assault lawyers at Merson Law have extensive successful experience litigating sexual assault cases valued in excess of $1 million and much of their background includes prosecuting cases that have resolved for more than $10 million.
Here are some of the sexual assault cases litigated by Jordan Merson of Merson Law and his team of sexual assault lawyers*:
$2.7 Billion Boy Scouts – Representing Hundreds of Survivors in the Largest Sexual Abuse Settlement ever.
- $500 million – Merson Law represents sexual assault survivors in the Michigan State University fund for victims of Larry Nassar. This is the largest amount of money in history settled by a university for a sexual abuse case.
- $100 million + – Merson represents a number of victims of child sex abuse in the Independent Reconciliation Compensation Program (IRCP). $100 million has been set aside for the IRCP.
- $28 Million for the largest sexual assault verdict in ny state history
- $8 million settlement for race discrimination and sexual harassment
- $5 million for sexual harassment victim
*Please note that past results do not guarantee similar outcome
Mr. Merson was named in Super Lawyers and has been quoted by the national and local media, including USA Today, the New York Law Journal and the Daily News. When New York Magazine published its top verdicts in 2014, Mr. Merson was included on that list, as well.
Were you involved? Are you a victim?
You are not alone. With the utmost care, compassion and consideration, we want to help you. Contact us and get started on the journey to healing & closure.*
Talk with us, we can help.