What is Brain Damage?

Brain Damage is defined as a nondegenerative, noncongenital insult to the brain from an external mechanical force, possibly leading to permanent or temporary impairment of cognitive, physical, and psychosocial functions, with an associated diminished or altered state of consciousness.

Brain damage can occur in a variety of ways, from car accidents, to sports injuries, to complications during pregnancy.

In some cases, brain damage is the result of negligence by a medical professional. Just one careless mistake on the part of a doctor can lead to a lifetime of suffering and medical expenses.

A well known example of Brain damage is R.H. experienced a traumatic brain injury from a car accident in July 2004. Before the accident he was employed as an attorney. The accident put him in the hospital for 3 weeks and resulted in damage to the frontal and left parietal lobes. His main deficits included difficulties with expressive language (aphasia) and writing (agraphia), memory, and concentration. Because his career was reliant on his language skills, memory and concentration, he was unable to continue working. This resulted in him also experiencing depression and anxiety.

Merson Law has built a trusted reputation representing people who have suffered catastrophic injuries. The team at Merson Law has extensive experience litigating cases valued in excess of $1 million and much of their background includes prosecuting cases that have resolved for more than $10 million. If you need our help, contact us now for a free consultation and medical evaluation.

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