Ricardo Cruciani Sex Abuse Victims
You may be entitled to monetary compensation.
MAXIMIZE your compensation by calling an experienced sex abuse lawyer to help with your civil claim.
You may be entitled to monetary compensation.
MAXIMIZE your compensation by calling an experienced sex abuse lawyer to help with your civil claim.
Merson Law Will Represent You and Assist You in Your Civil Claim.
Your One Year Lookback Window Opens Soon
If you or a loved one were affected, please contact Merson Law now.
The #metoo movement continues to unveil high profile cases of sexual assault and sexual abuse.
Particularly, cases of doctors and other medical professionals abusing their patients have become more and more common.
An untold number of women have suffered at the hands of corrupt individuals, like Cruciani. Many of these victims were denied the right to sue their assailants after the statute of limitations on such crimes ran out.
Now, with the passing of the Adult Survivors Act, you have the chance to sue your assailant, no matter how long ago the incident ocurred.
Do not miss YOUR opportunity for monetary compensation.
Jordan Merson, Founder of Merson Law, New York’s top sex abuse law firm and winner of the largest sexual assault verdict in New York State History has helped numerous sexual abuse victims receive the compensation they truly deserve.
Attorney Jordan Merson has been successful in helping numerous sex abuse victims get the compensation they need and deserve, with child sex abuse cases, Catholic Church sex abuse cases, and high profile cases including his representation of girls abused by the US Olympics doctor Larry Nassar, Jeffrey Epstein, and Bill Cosby.
Jordan Merson and his firm, Merson Law, have been featured on many prominent media outlets for championing justice for sexual abuse victims.
And now Merson Law is representing victims of Dr. Ricardo Cruciani.
Dr. Ricardo Cruciani was a neurologist who specialized in rare pain syndromes. He used his position of power over patients, who often had no one else to turn to, to victimize and sexually assault an untold number of patients.
In late 2017, allegations against Ricardo Cruciani began to surface online.
As published in the New York Post, “Seventeen women from New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania” accused [Cruciani] of using his sought-after treatments as leverage to extract sexual favors.”
It appears that Cruciani abused patients over the course of 15 years. It is unknown if all of his victims have come forward, meaning there could be many, many more.
Victims ranged in age from 31 to 55, and “described a pervy bedside manner that includes unwanted touching and kissing, as well as being coerced into oral sex.” One patient said that Cruciani masturbated in front of her, despite a clear lack of consent and her declining his advances.
Ricardo Cruciani surrendered his medical license in 2017, after allegations first surfaced. He was also forced to register as a sex offender after he plead guilty to several assaults in Pennsylvania.
In 2018, he was charged with 35 felony counts, including rape and aggravated sexual abuse. Despite these charges, he has yet to be sentenced, due to court delay.
The Adult Survivors Act, signed by Governor Kathy Hochul on May 24, 2022, opens up a one-year lookback window for survivors of sexual assault. During this lookback window, from November 24, 2022 until November 24, 2023, individuals will be permitted to sue abusers, as well as employers or institutions associated with the abuser, even if the statute of limitations on those claims have previously expired.
This means that if you were sexually assaulted, you have the opportunity to sue your abuser, even if the statute of limitations for sexual assault have already expired.
What is Sexual Misconduct in Healthcare?
NJ.com: Neurologist charged in N.J., Pa. with patient sex assaults faces new federal charges
NJ.com: Former neurologist charged with raping 7 patients in N.J.
NY Post: NYC neurologist described as ‘evil in a white coat’ as trial begins on rape, assault charges