Were you sexually abused as a child by a priest or deacon of the New York Catholic Church?

Archdiocese of NY Church Sex Assault Victims: You may be entitled to monetary compensation.

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brooklyn IRCP new york archdiocese

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Were you sexually abused as a child by a priest or deacon of the Catholic Church?

Catholic Church Sex Assault Victims: You may be entitled to monetary compensation.

You may need an Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Program Lawyer, also known as an IRCP Lawyer. Do not miss your opportunity for monetary compensation.  The Catholic Church sex abuse scandal continues to make news with more and more victims coming out to claim the help they need. Jordan Merson has numerous child sex abuse cases with the IRCP. Get the help that you need in maximizing your compensation before the Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Program (IRCP) of the Archdiocese of NY.

An Independent Compensation Program to pay victims of clergy sexual abuse of minors was announced by Kenneth R. Feinberg, Administrator of the Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Program of the Archdiocese of New York, (“IRCP”).


The Diocese of Brooklyn has announced a significant step in its ongoing response to the sexual abuse of minors by members of the clergy. The Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Program (IRCP of Brooklyn) will allow survivors of sexual abuse by priests or deacons of the Diocese to seek financial compensation. Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio is implementing the voluntary program in Brooklyn and Queens to promote healing and to bring some element of closure.

brooklyn IRCP new york archdiocese

The following are some frequently asked questions about the IRCP (IRCP claim FAQs):

What is the IRCP?

In October of 2016, the Archdiocese of New York enacted the Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Program, which evaluates child sex abuse claims for survivors whose statute of limitations may have expired.

In June of 2017, the Archdiocese of Brooklyn has also decided to enact an IRCP. For more information, please contact us. You can rest assured that your privacy is of the utmost importance to us here at Merson Law.

If I pursue a claim with the IRCP, do I lose my right to bring a lawsuit?

Not necessarily.  The IRCP is a voluntary, non-binding program.  You can participate in the IRCP and retain your right to bring a lawsuit unless and until you accept a monetary award from the Archdiocese.  Many participants of the IRCP cannot bring a lawsuit because the statute of limitations for their claims have long since expired.

What is the statute of limitations for my child sex abuse claims?

For certain child sex abuse claims, the statute of limitations expires after the survivor turns 23 years old.  There is current legislation that was recently supported by Governor Cuomo (as noted on the cover of the Daily News) that would extend the statute of limitations.  The law is known as the Child Victims Act.

What is the Child Victims Act?

The Child Victims Act or CVA has many different versions, but the purpose behind the statute is to extend the statute of limitations and provide a window to allow survivors whose limitations period has expired to bring a lawsuit.

What is the interaction between the CVA and IRCP?

At present, none, because the CVA has not passed.  Even if it does, the IRCP gives certain child sex abuse survivors an opportunity to be heard and to have their case evaluated without having to worry about the statute of limitations.  Again, according to the terms of the IRCP, child sex abuse victims do not waive their rights to file a lawsuit unless and until they accept monetary compensation.

Who evaluates the claims under the IRCP?

Kenneth R. Feinberg and Camille Biros, who are lawyers that are not employees of the Archdiocese.  They have determined compensation for victims of 9/11 and the Penn State/Sandusky sex abuse scandal.

Can I file a claim under the IRCP?

The IRCP does not cover all victims of child sex abuse.  It only applies to victims within the jurisdiction of the Archdiocese of New York, which includes New York County (Manhattan), Staten Island, The Bronx and counties North and West of the City.

How do I determine whether I can participate in the IRCP?

The protocols of the IRCP are technical and you should retain a lawyer experienced in the IRCP to tell you your legal rights.  These are complex legal issues.

Is there a deadline for filing a claim with the IRCP?

YES, if the Archdiocese is already aware of your claim, the deadline is JANUARY 31, 2017.  If you have never advised the Archdiocese of New York of the child sex abuse that you suffered, the deadline will be some time after that.  However, you should not delay in at least speaking with an experienced attorney so that you know your rights.

If you missed this deadline, get in touch with our team today to discuss alternative options for compensation.

What if I was sexually abused and my claims are not applicable to the IRCP?

You still may have options.  Other organizations are considering similar programs to compensation child sex abuse victims and if the CVA passes, you will be able to file a lawsuit.  Regardless of the details of the sexual abuse that you have suffered, you may have rights.

What should I do?

You should contact a lawyer experienced in the IRCP and/or sexual abuse claims immediately.  Most lawyers do not charge a consultation fee and may only have one chance to get the monetary compensation that you deserve.

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