Multiple Media Outlets Cover Merson Law Malpractice Lawsuits vs Dr. Bolognese

Neurosurgeon Dr. Paolo Bolognese
Tags Chiari malformation, Dr. Paolo Bolognese, malpractice, med mal, medical errors, medical malpractice, medical malpractice lawsuit winner, neurosurgeon

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Lori White a patient of neurosurgeon Dr. Paolo Bolognese thought by the second surgery of her spinal operation, she would be  back to riding her prized horse Albie.

Now that surgery is three weeks away and Lori says “she’ll be lucky if her extreme pain allows her to visit and simply brush him”.

For Lori, Albie is her joy, aside from her family and friends. Lori says “My life has been him and riding, Not anymore everything has been taken from me”.

Lori is one of three women now suing  Dr. Paolo Bolognese with separate malpractice lawsuits filed in Queens County court last week.

The three women claim Dr. Paolo Bolognese either gave them unnecessary surgeries or botched their treatment to the point they ended up in worse shape than when they first visited him.

Dr. Paolo Bolognese was suspended by North Shore in 2010 for allegedly failing to show up on time for a patient who was anesthetized for surgery — and has been sued at least 20 times over his medical care.

Also in  2010 New York’s Office of Professional Medical Conduct investigated him as well.

The problem for all three women is they had surgery that was recommended to them, by Dr. Bolognese. Which he  told them was in their best interests to have, but all came out much worse,” their lawyer Jordan Merson said. “They were all left horribly damaged.”

The other two plaintiffs suing Dr. Bolognese are Jennifer Lake and Crystal Hensley Hall.

Merson said Hall is bedridden most days while Lake now has difficulty swallowing and sleeping and suffers from a fast heartbeat, leg pain and impaired bladder function.

White can’t move her head after the hardware was placed improperly at her spine, he said. White’s lawsuit also claims her neck muscles were improperly dissected.

“I can barely function since my surgery and I don’t know that I will ever fully recover,” White told The News. “Dr. Bolognese promised to make me better. He promised so many things, and nothing came to fruition. I now have no quality of life.”

Please, contact The Merson Law firm for a free and confidential consultation.  We will treat you with dignity, respect and discuss the best legal options for you and your family.

For the original story, click here.

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