Ohio Catholic Church Priest & Clergy Sex Abuse List

Ohio Priest Sex Abuse List: A list of Roman Catholic Priests & Clergy members of the Ohio Diocese accused of sex abuse and/or sexual assault of minors.

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Merson Law has compiled a list of Roman Catholic Priests and Clergy members (the Ohio priest sex abuse list) accused of sexual abuse and/or sexual assault of minors. The Sexual Assault team at Merson Law specializes in Catholic Clergy and Priest Sex Abuse and Sexual Assault cases.

This information found in this list is compiled from the Database of Publicly Accused Priests and does not state or imply that individuals facing allegations are guilty of a crime or liable for civil claims. The reports contained in the database are merely allegations. The U.S. legal system presumes that a person accused of or charged with a crime is innocent until proven guilty.

Similarly, individuals who may be defendants in civil actions are presumed not to be liable for such claims unless a plaintiff proves otherwise. Admissions of guilt or liability are not typically a part of civil or private settlements.

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Ohio Priest Sex Abuse List

Merson Law’s Ohio Priest Sex Abuse List was compiled from accounts of sexual abuse by a member of the Ohio Catholic Church network. The names in this list are only those that have been found to be credible, however it is likely that there are names missing, due to the sheer number of accounts and the historical aversion to transparency by the Catholic Church.

This list is not endorsed by the Archdiocese, which has yet to release the names of priests found guilty through its own internal investigations.

Last Name First Name Diocese Notes
Albrecht G.R. Keith Cincinnati, OH Expelled by Franciscan Order in early 1970s prior to taking solemn vows, but ordained in Cincinnati in 1977. Removed from duty 1993 after accusation of sexual abuse of teen boy during late 1970s-early ’80s. Another accuser then surfaced alleging abuse as an 8th-grade boy, on a trip to New York with Albrecht. Would target troubled adolescent males, then molest them. Two known to have lived with him in rectory. Admitted to sexual behavior with four youths, saying he thought he was “acting out of love.” Laicized by Vatican as of 10/05. A 2004 suit alleging abuse from 1977-1981 dismissed after Ohio Supreme Court ruled victims must file before the age of 20.
Berning John B. Cincinnati, OH Suits filed in 2003 by at least 7 plaintiffs. Berning admitted in 2002 letters to abuse of one youth. May also have admitted abuse of others. One accuser said he told an archdiocesan employee in 1963 but nothing was done. Berning retired in 1970 and moved to Florida. Privileges removed in 2003. Died at age 97 in 2004.
Brunner Thomas J. Cincinnati, OH Removed 2003. Accused of abuse of two girls at Mount Notre Dame High School in 1980s. Sent for counseling and reassigned to parish. Another woman complained in 1989 that he had romanced her in 1970s when she was in high school. Restrictions place on him in 1993. Never publicly identified until 2003 when he was placed on admin. leave. Accusations deemed credible. Laicized by Vatican 3/06.
Cooley George Cincinnati, OH Archdiocese knew of complaints as early as 1971 when Cooley in Seminary and again in 1978. Numerous male victims. Pled guitly 1991 to abuse of 4 boys; spent 3 months in jail. Sent to jail for 15 mos 1994 for stalking one of his victims. In 1996 arrested for soliciting sex from police decoy posing as male prostitute. Given house arrest and 3 yrs. probation. At least 9 civil suits. Permanently removed 1990. Laicized in 1998 after church trial. Still had teacher’s license as of 10/06. License finally revoked 12/06.
Cooper Ronald C. Cincinnati, OH Placed on leave 1/04 after a man came forward to allege that Cooper had touched him inappropriately several times in Bridgetown in 1983-1984 during Cooper’s first assignment after ordination. Cooper admits contact with the youth but claims no sexual intent was involved. Referred to Review Board for further action. Laicization announced 10/14.
Doerger Stanley D. Cincinnati, OH Accused in 2003 of abuse of one girl at St. Rita School for the Deaf in 1970s. A group of former students alleged he physically, sexually and verbally abuse up to 275 female students. One woman said that Doerger also abused her deceased brother from late 1960s to 1980. Placed on leave 3/05 and died in 9/05 before investigation complete. It was discontinued.
Drew Geoffrey Cincinnati, OH Pastor of St. Ignatius in Green Township since mid-2018; placed on leave 7/23/19. Accused of sending inappropriate text messages to at least one boy at the parish school. Had been complaints to church officials about his behavior toward teen boys at his previous parish in 2013 and 2015. Auxiliary Bishop Binzer knew of the complaints but reportedly did not inform Archbishop Schnurr. One parishioner said she wrote Schnurr and Binzer in 8/18 about “red flags.” Drew was was kept in ministry ‘under monitoring;’ St. Ignatius parish and school leaders were not informed of the previous complaints or monitoring. In 8/19 Binzer is a member of the USCCB committee on child protection. As of 7/19, Drew was to be sent to treatment. Indicted in 8/19 on 9 counts of rape of a boy, age 10-11, allegedly occurring 1988-91 while a music teacher at St. Jude’s in Green Township. Pled not guilty.
Feldhaus Thomas F. Cincinnati, OH Removed 2003 after accusation of abuse of youth in 1979. Civil suit filed 3/04 by a different man alleging abuse from 1986-1991 at Our Lady of Victory. On administrative leave until laicization in 10/14.
Ferone John Cincinnati, OH Director of Adult Faith and Ignatian Programming at St. Xavier High School when removed 2/23/18 after accused of soliciting sex from a student via text message. School aware of incident since 2/15. Police notified. The school released a statement 4/19/18.
Harsham Ellis N. Cincinnati, OH One 1993 article says that Harsham reportedly had oral sex with two high school students in the 1970s. Accused of abuse of several boys. Said to have plied boys with alcohol, marijuana and pornography. Civil suit named Harsham and Cardinal Joseph Bernardin as abusers. Case withdrawn but plaintiff settled claims re Harsham in 1994. Placed on administrative leave in 1994, resigned from active ministry a few months later. Maintained “administrative leave” status until he was laicized in 2006.
Heil Norman L. Cincinnati, OH In a lawsuit filed in 2004, a woman claimed sexual abuse by Heil in 1965 when she was 16 years-old, which resulted in her becoming pregnant. She alleged in the lawsuit that Heil and a nun pressured her to give up the baby. Heil transferred to a Bismarck ND parish in around 1966, and left the priesthood around 1967. At some point he moved to CA. He died 7/31/88, at age 51. The lawsuit was dismissed on SOL by the OH Supreme Court 1/08.
Hendricks Kenneth Bernard Cincinnati, OH Took vows in 1962 as a Franciscan brother (Brother Pius) in Cincinnati. Assistant Director of the Over-the Rhine Youth Club in 1966. Left the Franciscans in 1986. Moved to the Philippines, ordained a priest, worked there 37 years. Would return to Cincinnati in the summers. Arrested in Naval, Biliran Province, Philippines in 12/10. Accused of abuse of 10 boys there, as young a age 7; may be at least 50. Some lived with him and were allegedly abused during baths with Hendricks. The Cincinnati archdiocese denies authority over Hendricks, but says it did raise money for his Philippines mission.
Hopp Thomas R. Cincinnati, OH Put on leave in 2002 due to accusation of abuse of boy in 1980. Had been warned in 1997 by archdiocese after anonymous complaint that he showed “odd” behavior toward a boy; was kept in ministry. Permanently removed from ministry by Vatican 10/05 but not laicized. Civil suit filed 2004. Suit dismissed by Ohio Supreme Court on statute of limitations 6/06. Another suit alleging abuse of 13-14 yr old boy in 1980s was withdrawn after Ohio Supreme Court ruling. Died 12/21/14.
Katarskis Walter (Vaclovas) Cincinnati, OH Woman filed police report 6/10 accusing Katarskis of abusing her on several occasions in 1960-1961 when she was 10 and 11 yrs old and he was assigned to St. Albert the Great Parish in Kettering. She had reported the abuse to the Archdiocese in 2002. Katarskis died in 1993.
Kelley David J. Cincinnati, OH At least 38 men have filed suit alleging forced oral sex, rape, and other abuse by Kelley when they were minors. At least 4 complaints in 1983 prompted transfer to new parish. After complaints in 1986, Pilarczyk sent Kelley to Paracletes, then assigned him to hospital chaplaincy with parish residence and ministry. Allegations 1993-94. Removed 2002. Allowed to be counselor until 2003 suits were reported. Suit withdrawn after 5/31/06 ruling by Ohio Supreme Court. Kelley died 6/09.
Kiffmeyer James G. Cincinnati, OH In 2002 Man accused Kiffmeyer of abusing him when he was senior in high school and later. County prosecutors said SOL had expired. Church said man was over 18 at time. After this allegation was made, it was revealed that Kiffmeyer had been accused in 1997 of similar offense, again by male who was at least 18. Archdiocese paid to settle the claim. Vatican ordered him returned to duty as of 12/06. Appointed as pastoral administrator of Holy Family Parish 4/30/08. Still active priest 12/11.
Kuhn Thomas A. Cincinnati, OH Placed on leave in 2002 after deputies confiscated several parish computers to look for inappropriate material. Indicted on 11 courts of public indecency and providing alcohol to minors 11/01-1/02. Claims involved 4 boys and 1 girl. Convicted 2004 and sentenced to 5 yrs probation. Violated probation 1/05; spent 30 days in jail. Laicization announced 10/14.
Larger Raymond E. Cincinnati, OH Civil suit filed alleging abuse of youth 1995-1997. Criminal charges also filed in 2005 but dismissed by judge during trial 11/05. Two other accusations but no criminal charges. Larger previously pleaded guilty, in 2003, to soliciting sex from male undercover police officer. Reinstated by Vatican 2/08 after ruling of no merit to accusations of abuse of youth. Given position at Chancery while in residence at St. Peter in Chains Cathedral.
Massarella Francis (Frank) A. Cincinnati, OH Removed 2003. Accused of abuse of girls more than 50 yrs previously. Archdiocese has admitted it knew of his history back in 1950s. Permanently removed from church ministry by the Vatican 10/05 but not laicized. Still under care of Archdiocese as of 4/07 because of ill health. Died 05/03/14 at age 98.
Montgomery Michael Cincinnati, OH Two incidents of “improper contact” with male students were known to Franciscan authorities in the 1980s but Montgomery was allowed to continue working as an athletic trainer at Roger Bacon High School. He said that the touches were accidental. Finallyremoved from active mininstry in 2002. Another man made similar allegations in 2003 or early 2004 re abuse when he was 15.
Paraniuk Michael Cincinnati, OH Man complained in 1995 to Archdiocese that Paraniuk had abused him in 1983. Archdiocese investigated and decided allegations were unsubstantiated. Man complained again in 2004. Paraniuk placed on leave March 2005 after payment made to accuser from archdiocese’s victims’ compensation fund. He was reinstated in 10/05 after archdiocese investigated and again deemed allegation unsubstantiated. Paraniuk denied all allegations and said he had himself been fondled by two Franciscan priests when he was in his 20s in 1970s.
Pater Daniel Cincinnati, OH In 1992 a woman told the archdiocese Pater sexually abused her beginning when she was age 14 in the early 1980s at St. Charles Borromeo in Kettering. Pater left for Rome to study in 1982 and became a Vatican diplomat in Africa, Australia, Vatican City and India. He admitted the abuse, which continued until late 1991 or early 1992 on his trips back to U.S. His victim and a second woman accusing Pater of abuse as a teen in the early 1980s sued in 2004. The suit was withdrawn after a 6/06 ruling by Ohio Supreme Court. On 2/21/14 it was announced that Vatican sentenced him to life of prayer & penance as of 1/21/14. Still a priest but no privileges.
Reilly David F. Cincinnati, OH Placed on administrative leave 8/06 after man made allegations that Reilly had improper contact with him in 1970s when he was 13 or 14 yrs old. Reilly admits contact but says it was not what it was alleged to be. On 02/21/14 the Archdiocese announced that a 3-priest Tribunal had cleared Reilly of the charges (confirmed by the Vatican) and restored him to active ministry. Status changed to Retired.
Schetter Albert E. Cincinnati, OH Retired in 1990. Died 5/5/02. Lawsuit filed in 2003 by two men accusing Schetter of sexual abuse when they were boys in the early 1960s. They also claimed the archdiocese knew and did nothing. One plaintiff had gone to the archdiocese in 1992 with his allegations. Archdiocesan officials offered the man counseling, which he declined. They also reviewed Schetter’s personnel file and found that there had been complaints in the early 1960s of his “odd behavior” with children; officials’ response in the early 1960s was to send the priest on a spiritual retreat. In 1992 Schetter was told to stay away from children.
Schoettmer Kenneth J. Cincinnati, OH Placed on leave after he admitted in 2001 that he had sexual encounters with boys between 1984 and 1999. Also downloaded porn and trolled Internet for boys. Pleaded guilty 2003 to one count of gross sexual imposition in exchange for the dismissal of additional charges of rape and sexual battery re 17-yr-old boy. Sentenced to 5 years’ probation. Civil suit filed 2004. Still on payroll of Archdiocese as of 4/07. Laicization announced 5/11/07. On Sex Offender Register 1/21/12.
Schutte Robert W. Cincinnati, OH After ordination Schutte spent a year in a St. Augustine FL parish, after which he returned to his native OH. He taught high school and served in parishes as an assistant and then pastor in the Cincinnati archdiocese. He also was an assistant Air Force chaplain in FL.; the time-period for that is unclear. He retired in 1984. In late 2003 Schutte’s privileges were removed after allegations arose that he sexually abused a minor several decades before. He died a little over a month later, in 1/04, at age 89.
Shelander Donald E. Cincinnati, OH Retired 2002. Man told archdiocese late 2005 that Shelander sexually abused him late 1970s-early 1980s, when he was 14 to 18 years-old and Shelander was pastor of St. Mary’s in Urbana. Archdiocese said it found “the semblance of truth” in the allegations and placed Shelander on leave in 3/06. He was returned to active status 2/09 after church tribunal found the allegations could not be proven.
Stephney Charles F. Cincinnati, OH In 1981 Stephney was assigned to a Cincinnati parish and was chaplain at a Cincinnati jail. Several boys accused him of making sexual advances and jail officials asked him to leave. His Order sent him for treatment in Brooklyn NY and he was assigned to a parish there. In defiance of his Order, he left for Baltimore and went to work in DC for accused priest Rev. George Stallings in 1987. Stallings broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and started his own “Imani Temple.” In 1990 Stephney was known to be assisting Stallings there.
Stricker Robert A. Cincinnati, OH Stricker, 84 and retired, was placed on leave by the archdiocese 5/01/08 pending an investigation of claims that he sexually abused a boy in the 1950s at St. William parish, Price Hill. Archdiocese had investigated same man’s allegations in 1993 but nothing conclusive found. The man provided new information in 2008 which Bishop Pilarczyk said had “a semblance of truth.” Stricker was restored to ministry in 7/08 when archdiocese investigation determined the claim could not be substantiated.
Strittmatter Lawrence Cincinnati, OH Former Elder High School principal. Sent for treatment in 1988 after allegations of child abuse in 1983. Placed on leave 2002 after allegations he abused 2-3 youths in 1970s. Named in numerous 2003 civil suits, with at least 28 plaintiffs. Most suits dropped because of statute of limitations. May have abused nearly 100 minors, ages ranging from 4th grade through high school. Laicized 3/06.
Unwin Richard M. Cincinnati, OH Placed on leave in 2004 after allegations Unwin sexually abused a male minor more than 15 yrs previously. Unwin acknowledged the abuse. Taught at Badin High, had been principal at Catholic Central High and principal and religion department chair at Lehman High School. Exact details of abuse allegation not released by Diocese per victim’s request. Teaching certificate revoked by state 11/06. Laicization announced 5/11/07.
Vincent David P. Cincinnati, OH In 2004, one man alleged abuse in 1980s but he refused to cooperate with the Archdiocese and nothing done. Vincent finally placed on leave in 3/05 after he was accused of abuse of one student at Elder High in 1970. Vincent denied all allegations.Returned to duty 10/12/05 after archdiocese investigation.
Arko Richard A. Cleveland, OH Arrested 1/04 on charges that he was growing marijuana in the church rectory and selling it. Police learned of the marijuana from an informant who also said he had been in a sexual relationship with Arko since he was 15 and that the priest would give him gifts, money and drugs in exchange for sex. In 7/04 Arko also lost his state license to perform massage therapy, based on the felony conviction for growing pot. Resigned from ministry in 2005. Laicization announced 7/20/15.
Bailey George F. Cleveland, OH Left priesthood in late1980s. Per 2002 articles, at least 10 women have accused him of abusing them when they were grade-school students at St. Vincent School in Akron and St. Mary’s School in Bedford. Apparently these accusations were made known to Diocese before Bailey left the priesthood. Laicization announced 3/14.
Bals Jerry Cleveland, OH Ordained as deacon in 1973. Accused of fondling girls in counseling sessions at Lake Catholic High School (he was guidance counselor/librarian) for 14 years. Total of 8 Jane Does, 5 of whom filed suit. Suits settled. Per 11/02 article, criminal charges were dropped in a plea deal that required Bals to forfeit his teaching credentials. Diocese paid Bals’ wife $800/mo 2000-2003 (while Bals living with her). This info revealed in 3/07. Permanently removed from ministry.
Banner Russell J. Cleveland, OH Placed on leave in 2002 pending review of past allegations. He had previously received evaluation and treatment then returned to active ministry. Second man came forward in 2004 to allege abuse for two years when he ages 12-14 and a resident at Parmadale Childrens’ home. Banner was a deacon counseling children at the home. This man filed suit in 2004. Laicization announce 3/19/15.
Bartnikowski Raymond B. Cleveland, OH Placed on leave in 2002. A woman claimed that he abused her in 1967 when she was age 12. Two other females came forward to allege abuse in the 1960s. He is accused of spanking their bare bottoms. Died 11/07.
Bogucki Kenneth Cleveland, OH Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 6/21/19. Laicized.
Botty Paul Cleveland, OH Case reported in State v. Botty, 1988 WL 86954 (Ohio App). Convicted of sexual battery. In 3/86 Botty was sentenced to 7 1/2 years for molesting four teenage boys; 12 felony counts dismissed. Died 12/27/07 in CA. Marianist Newsletter 1/8/08 referred to him as a “former Marianist.”
Brickman Donald P. Cleveland, OH After accusation of abuse in late 1980s, he received evaluation and treatment and then was returned to ministry without incident. Brickman had been serving as the Diocese’s judicial vicar and was one of highest ranking priests in diocese. Obvious promotions within Diocese after he abused and was returned to duty. Placed on leave in 2002 and named in 2003 civil suit. Laicization announced 12/26/08.
Brodnick Joseph F. Cleveland, OH Placed on leave in 2002. Had previously been accused of an ‘inappropriate relationship’ with agirl in her late teens in the mid-1970s, while in Cleveland. Had been treated, evaluated and allowed to return to ministry in 1997 when transferred to the Rochester, NY diocese. Worked at St. Joseph’s hospital since beginning 1/97. Rochester diocese and hospital knew of past allegations. Permanently removed from ministry.
Bruening Allen F. Cleveland, OH Accused of abusing two brothers almost 20 years apart. Parents first complained in 1968 or ’69; diocese said he would receive treatment but instead he was transferred to a new high school. After complaints in 1984 he was removed from church and assigned as chaplain at Community Hospital. Later given another parish assignment. Civil suit filed 1991. Sent to work in Amarillo, TX diocese after treatment at Paracletes Center. Vatican ordered permanent removal from ministry as of 6/14/07. Given “Life of Prayer and Penance” per 2010 Catholic Directory. Deceased, per diocese’s list in 6/19.
Burg Thomas R. Cleveland, OH In April, 2002 diocese released names of Burg and 11 other priests who were no longer in active ministry because of allegations in the past of abuse of minors. Accused of molesting at least one young girl during confession. Deceased, per diocese’s list in 6/19.
Burrill Ignatius M. Cleveland, OH Burrill, faculty member and counselor at Loyola Academy in Wilmette for 25 years, died in March, 1987. In 8/11, Jesuit Province of Chicago-Detroit announced that former student of St. Ignatius High School had come forward to allege abuse by Burrill between 1952-1956 when he was on staff at the school. In 4/12, Attorney Mitch Garabedian announced recent settlement of one claim involving Burrill.
Ciolek John Cleveland, OH Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 6/21/19. Died 9/25/86.
Connor John Cleveland, OH Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 6/21/19. Deceased.
Conway Neil P. Cleveland, OH Admitted to molesting at least eight boys 1968-1985. Caught in 1985 and sent for counseling. Left church on total disability in 1987; psych reports showed he could not function effectively. At least two victims sued him prior to 4/02. Name released by diocese 4/02. A third suit filed 3/04. No criminal prosecution.
Ehrbar Joseph Cleveland, OH Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 6/21/19. Deceased.
Estadt Harry Cleveland, OH Monsignor. Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 3/1/19. Assigned to St. Thomas the Apostle for forty years, beginning in 1935. Died 3/15/91.
Ferrante Leonard A. Cleveland, OH Listed by the diocese in 4/02 as as no longer in active ministry because of allegations in the past of abuse of minors. Assigned to Borromeo Seminary High School and College 1967-76, and to Lake County Catholic High School 1972-73. The Official Catholic Directory shows Ferrante to have been on leave 1976-79, does not index him 1980-86, and shows him as Absent on Leave 1986-88. He is not indexed beyond 1988. Laicized, per the diocese’s list in 6/19.
Hovanec George T. Cleveland, OH In 4/02 woman wrote to Archbishop Pilla re abuse by Hovanec 47 years before. She said she was in 7th grade and Hovanec touched and patted her in a very sexually inappropriate way before inviting her to basement to count Sunday envelopes. She fled. He was unassigned from 1961-1965 and died 2/65.
Ischay Matthew A. Cleveland, OH Removed from position as parochial vicar at St. Paul in Akron as of 8/26/11 and placed on administrative leave after civil suit filed in Cuyahoga County. Complaint alleged that Ischay was involved in ‘misconduct’ with a minor in the late 1970s. Assigned to St. Richard parish in North Olmsted from ordination until some time in 1981. Civil suit dropped 10/11 at plaintiff’s request due to the statute of limitations. At least four other accusers came forward after suit was filed. Per the diocese’s list 6/21/19, Ischay was on administrative leave pending the Vatican’s decision regarding laicization.
Jacoby John O. Cleveland, OH Accused of abusing at least six girls in the 1960s St. Mary High School in Akron. Transferred after two girls reported abuse. Jacoby left the diocese and the priesthood in 1982. Five claimants settled with the diocese in 2003. In 2005 the women said that the diocese failed to satisfy the terms of the settlement that stipulated each would receive a written apology and the diocese would make a public apology. Per the diocese’s list in 6/19, Jacoby is deceased.
Kickel Edward Cleveland, OH Per 2002 articles, Kickel had nickname of “The Feeler” for molesting girls during religion class. Several complaints in 1950s – 1960s. Nothing done. Parents held meeting in 1969. Pastor barred Kickel from hearing confessions and teaching religion classes, and told parents to keep quiet. One woman was denied counseling in 2000 because diocese said could not find facts to support her claim. After 2002 article, several dozen women called to said they too had been abused by Kickel. Died 12/72. Included on the diocese’s list 6/21/19.
Kitt Liam Cleveland, OH Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 6/21/19. Deceased.
Klamet Frank Cleveland, OH Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 6/21/19. Deceased.
Labbe Joseph P. Cleveland, OH Labbe’s name was included on a list of priests placed on leave in 4/2002 by the Cleveland diocese because of recent allegations of past abuse. Reportedly, during the 1980s several teenage boys accused him of sexually abusing them. Labbe denied the charges. He was director of admissions at Borromeo Seminary College in Wickliffe (1981-91). Laicization announced 9/24/2010.
Lang Joseph J. Cleveland, OH Name on 4/02 list of priests removed from assignments due to past allegations of abuse. Allegation against Lang was based on report of sexual activity with a minor in the U.S. In 1988 Lang was “loaned” to the Diocese of Prince George in Canada and continued to work there until 4/02 when his faculties were revoked by the Cleveland bishop. Lang had received treatment and was allowed to return to work, per the list. Vatican permanently removed him from active ministry as of 6/14/07. Died 4/2/13
Lieberth Joseph J. Cleveland, OH On 4/02 list of priests in Cleveland diocese who had been accused in the past of sexual abuse. Had received evaluation and treatment and was returned to ministry. Admitted molesting the 17-year-old son of a church deacon, during a trip to CA in 1986. Lieberth referred to it as an “isolated incident” and auxiliary bishop Quinn persuaded victim and family not to call police. Another accuser came forward in 2002 alleging abuse on trip in 1985. Civil suit filed 7/02 by first accuser. Still on leave 2009. Diocese announced in 3/15 that Lieberth was given “a life of prayer and penance.”
Louis Martin J. Cleveland, OH In 1990 a 20-year-old woman accused Louis of molesting and raping her several times when she was age 10. Diocese forced Louis to resign and sent him to counseling. Girl filed civil suit in 1991; settled in 1992. Louis indicted on rape charges in 1992; sentenced in 1993 to 5-25 years in prison. Still in prison 8/11. Other victims came forward when charges filed. He admitted in therapy to abusing as many as 90 (diocese said really 14-16). In 2001, a civil suit was filed alleging Louis also abused a young man. Laicized, per the diocese’s list in 6/19.
Lucas Theodore Cleveland, OH On ‘medical leave of absence’ beginning 3/14. The diocese announced 5/16/18 that Lucas was being placed on administrative leave due to a credible accusation of “sexual misconduct involving a minor.” Pending further investigation, Lucas was not “to function in any capacity as a priest anywhere.” Assigned 1984-89 to St. Bartholomew’s in Middleburg Heights, 1989-97 to Resurrection of Our Lord in Solon and St. Mary Magdalene’s in Willowick 1997-2014. Per the diocese’s list 6/21/19, Lucas was on administrative leave pending the Vatican’s decision regarding laicization.
Luckay Thomas J. Cleveland, OH Name appeared on a 4/02 list of Cleveland priests no longer in active ministry because of allegations in the past of abuse of minors. Not indexed in the Official Catholic Directory after 1991.
Mangen (Mangan) Daniel J. Cleveland, OH Last name is Mangen in 2002 & 1993 Catholic Directories. Per 3/02 story, woman accused Mangen of sexually abusing and raping her for 3 yrs in early 1980s when she was between 16 and 18. Suit filed1999. Mangen had acknowledged being sexually active with adults and minors but denied woman’s claims. Did admit that he had been sexually active with two parishioners during the same time. Worked in Chile, SA 1984 and later in Peru. Believed to be in Valdivia, Chile as of 11/10 (not as priest).
McBride Daniel R. Cleveland, OH Placed on leave in 2002 when charged with abuse of minor (17-year-old boy who was part of prostitution ring). Pled guilty to soliciting a minor. Sentenced to three years probation 6/03. Charges resulted from investigation of Parmadale residential treatment facility, operated by Cleveland Catholic Charities for children with history of delinquent behavior and emotional problems. On Administrative Leave until his death 1/12/15.
McCool John William Cleveland, OH Named in 2002 among 12 Cleveland priests no longer in active ministry due to past allegations of abuse of minors. McCool left the priesthood “two years ago.” He is not listed in the Official Catholic Directory beyond 1997. Went on to marry. Died 2/26/17.
McDonough Howard Cleveland, OH According to a 2002 news report, McDonough was sued in 1993 for allegedly sexually abusing a 14-year old student 20 years prior. Documents produced during the case show that McDonough had been accused of sexual abuse by others at the time and that school officials were going to tranfer him without telling anyone the reason. Suit dismissed in 1995 due to SOL. Per a 1993 article, McDonough was no longer a member of the order.
McGonegal James Cleveland, OH Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 6/21/19. Noted to be on administrative leave pending the Vatican’s decision regarding laicization.
McNulty J. Brendan Cleveland, OH Placed on leave in 2003 after allegations that he sexually abused “several” of the seven brothers in a family that had befriended him shortly after his ordination. Review board deemed the allegations credible. McNulty wrote a letter of apology in 1982 to one of the brothers, and mentioned that the older brothers had been hurt as much. Abuse covered about 10 years. Laicization announced 11/07
Monaghan Nicholas Francis Cleveland, OH Pastor of St. Charles Borromeo in Parma 1923-1967. Died in 1967 at age 85. A woman approached the Ft. Worth, TX diocese for help in early 2008, claiming that Monaghan had groped and kissed her as a girl at the rectory where she worked after school and on Saturdays. Ft. Worth helped her with therapy until she could approach Cleveland 6/08. At least six other women then came forward with same allegations. Diocese removed plaque and his name from church building 6/15/11. On the Cleveland diocese’s list 6/21/19.
Mueller John J. Cleveland, OH Placed on leave in 7/02 due to allegations that he sexually abused a 16-year-old girl in 1962. Mueller denied allegation and was allowed to retire 3/03. Review Board said that evidence showed Mueller engaged in conduct defined as sexual abuse of a minor, but could not be removed from the priesthood because, at the time of the abuse, 16 was recognized as adult under church law. Mueller also allegedly abused a woman in 1977. Deceased, per diocese’s list in 6/19.
Mulica Frederick James Cleveland, OH Accused of molesting a 14-year-old altar boy in 1981. Diocese settled with family for $45K, on condition that Mulica not be allowed to work near children. Sent to alcohol treatment center, then reassigned in 1983 to a parish with a school. Reassigned to non-parish work in 1987 after newspaper investigation and charges against other priests. Given disability leave in 1989. Reportedly eft the priesthood in 1991, yet placed on administrative leave in 2002 due to the allegations against him. Mulica’s victim and family sued the diocese in 2003 for defamation. Settled for possibly $500K in 2006. Per diocese’s list in 6/19, Mulican is deceased.
Muzic Anthony J. Cleveland, OH Accused in a 1993 civil suit of providing liquor to plaintiff and other youths and taking advantage of drunken state to abuse them. Took leave when suit filed. Per 4/02 article, diocese did not include Muzic’s name on its list of accused clerics because officials did not believe the allegations against him were credible. Plaintiff dropped suit because of statute of limitations issues. Muzic retired. Died 3/29/10.
Nealon Daniel J. Cleveland, OH Name released 4/02 as a priest no longer in active ministry because of allegations in the past of abuse of minors. He had been accused of abusing a deaf boy of about age 13 in the late 1980s, while still a priest. Nealon denied the accusations at the time and also said that he had been exonerated after an investigation. The 1988, 1990 &1993 Catholic Directories show him absent on leave; he is not indexed in either 1995 or 2002 editions.
O’Connor Patrick J. Cleveland, OH Removed 9/03 after review board found credible a recent claim that he had sexually abused a child in late 1980s at St. Joseph’s in Cuyahoga Falls (1st assignment after ordination). He denied the allegation. Teaching at Borromeo Seminary in 2003. Cleared by the Vatican and returned to active status 9/07 with restrictions. “Resigned from priesthood” 6/08 after allegations of abuse of 15-year-old boy in 1997. Indicted 8/09. Pleaded guilty 9/09. Sentenced to 90 days jail 12/09. Sued by accuser 7/11. Laicized, per diocese’s list in 6/19.
Rebol Anthony Cleveland, OH Retired in 1998. Evaluated and treated after allegation in 1992 of abuse in 1963. Returned to ministry. Placed on leave along with 9 other priests in 4/02 due to allegations, pending further review of their cases. Deceased, per diocese’s list in 6/19.
Rebovich John Cleveland, OH Initially a priest of the Order of St. Joseph (O.S.J.). First allegation in 1975 involved soliciting an altar boy for oral sex. Boy told officials of the Byzantine Catholic Diocese of Passaic in 1978 but nothing done. A few months later Rebovich transferred to Byzantine Catholic diocese of Parma. A 1990 civil suit (settled 1991) alleges Rebovich raped an altar boy in 1980 in Parma diocese. Suit also alleges church officials covered up the incident when notified in 1984. In 1992 three more plaintiffs filed suit. On leave beginning 1990. On Harrisburg diocese’s list released 8/1/18, accused of sex abuse of a child. Worked in the diocese early 1970s. Deceased. Added to Scranton diocese’s list 12/18.
Romansky Joseph A. Cleveland, OH Accused in 1985 of playing strip poker with boys, offering them money for oral sex, fondling them, and masturbating in front of them. Mother of one was given a condo, a car and a job. Pled guilty. Romansky received probated sentence; sent to St. Luke’s for treatment. Invited in 1988 by Biloxi MS Bishop Howze to work in a parish; Howze aware of his abuse history. Howze sent him back to Cleveland after four years. At least two civil suits filed; settled in 1991. Worked in nursing home until 2002 when placed on leave. Three more suits filed 9/02. Said to have likely abused dozens of teen African American boys and girls 1975-1995. Two priests said in 2002 that they had reported him to the Cleveland diocese in 1975. Died 7/04.
Rooney Donald Cleveland, OH Died by suicide in 4/02 after being asked to come to diocesan offices to discuss an allegation that he had sexually molested a girl in 1980. Four more women and the father of another came forward with similar charges. One woman filed a class action suit 6/02 alleging that Rooney abused her and about 20 of her female classmates after the 1984-1985 school year. Another woman filed suit alleging that Rooney had groped and kissed her. Court denied suits and Court of Appeals agreed.
Ruglovsky Robert Cleveland, OH Accused of molesting at least seven boys. First abuse occurred in Ohio and Michigan. Moved to Minnesota where he abused six other boys. Criminal charges were filed in Minnesota in 1987. Sentenced to 15 years probation and 1 yr. jail, with participation in sex offender program. One civil suit filed in 1994 in California. Two other suits filed in Minnesota in 1988. Per a 1990 news report, Ruglovsky admitted to molesting numerous boys over a 20-year period. Name first appears on Archdiocese of St. Paul list of accused priests 5/22/14.
Rupp Edward F. Cleveland, OH In a 1994 civil suit, a man claimed Rupp abused him several times as a teenager in the late 60s-early 70s, and that Rupp was an alcoholic who had committed sexual improprieties with other members of parish. Rupp had received counseling for alcoholism. He resigned from assignment and was sent for evaluation and counseling after charges made. Suit dismissed by Court 1998. Vatican ordered permanent removal from active ministry as of 6/14/07. Prayer and penance. Deceased, per the diocese’s list 6/19.
Schuerger Anthony Cleveland, OH Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 6/21/19. Noted to be on administrative leave pending further investigation of the allegation against him by the Review Board.
Seminatore Joseph J. Cleveland, OH Placed on leave in 2002 from Parmadale Family Services home after a man alleged sexual abuse there as a minor. Parmadale offered treatment to children with emotional problems. Seminatore denied the allegations. Three accusers filed suit in 07/02. In 8/02 Seminatore filed a countersuit, alleging conspiracy. Plaintiffs’ case dismissed on SOL; dismissal upheld by Appeals Court in 2006. Seminatore’s claim dismissed by trial court; upheld by Appeals Court 12/04. In 10/15 the diocese announced Seminatore’s administrative leave had ended, and he was granted retirement. This was after a tribunal of three canonists determined the charges were not confirmed. Included on the diocese’s list 6/21/19 of clergy with substantiated allegations against them of child sexual abuse. Permanently removed from ministry.
Slapsak Julius Cleveland, OH Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 6/21/19. Deceased.
Tomicky Ronald Cleveland, OH Per news in 4/02, Tomicky was not in active ministry because of allegations in the past of abuse of minors. Absent on leave 1984-87 and 1988-89. Retired in 1989. Noted on the diocese’s list 6/21/19 to be retired with total and permanent disability and no faculties for public ministry. Ministry restricted due to an allegation which had not yet been substantiated.
Van Trieste Martin Cleveland, OH Van Trieste is accused in 6/02 lawsuit of abusing 2 boys who were members of the Little Martins, a touring singing group of Hispanic boys. As of 2002, Van Trieste, 87, was in a Maryland nursing home with dementia. Three additional men joined in thesuit 9/02.
Viall James A. Cleveland, OH Placed on leave 7/02 for allegations of misconduct with minors. A former altar boy filed suit on 7/20/02. Another adult male came forward to allege abuse as an altar boy. One of the men said he was abused in mid-1950s; the other alleged abuse in the 1970s.As of 9/11/02, Child Protection Services found no evidence to support abuse allegations but Diocese continued its investigation. Retired 2005, still without privileges.On Leave of Absence until his death 7/18/18.
Weaver Jeffrey M. Cleveland, OH Per news in 2012, a 1997 diocesan memo said that Weaver engaged in “sexual exploitation” of teen boys, waiting until they were 18 years old to make sexual advances toward them. He would talk to the minors about sex in the seminary he attended, admit he was gay and that he was available to them in a sexual way. A 1996 memo showed that a youth reported to the diocese that Weaver plied him with alcohol, tried to french kiss him, rubbed his legs above the knee toward his penis, and so on. Weaver admitted to “one regretful advance” toward the youth. His accuser was interviewed in 2012, saying the incident happened just after he turned 18, and that Weaver had been grooming him for sex. Weaver asked for a leave in 2002. Bishop Lennon decided in 2012 to return Weaver to ministry. As of 2018, he is last indexed in the Official Catholic Directory in 2001.
Weber David C. Cleveland, OH Weber, a member of Bishop Pilla’s “inner circle,” was placed on leave in 4/02 because of past allegations that he sexually abused a 16-year-old boy. His name was not released on public list until diocese was pressured by the press. He was one of several priests who asked a judge to block diocese from turning past medical records over to the prosecutor’s office. Charges against Weber were investigated by a grand jury in 2002. Laicization announced 8/19/16.
Wernet Carl Cleveland, OH In 1992 a woman came forward to allege abuse as a child by Wernet. Her father had confronted Wernet and he admitted abuse. Diocese denied everything. She tacked up posters and seven other women came forward. The eight women filed suit in 9/03, alleging abuse 1953-67. Suit dismissed 2/97 on statute of limitations. Twenty-one more accusers, women and men, came forward. Wernet’s personnel file was destroyed when he died in 1980. At least one parent had complained to the diocese earlier. Included on the diocese’s list 6/21/19.
Williams Joseph N. Cleveland, OH Left the priesthood in the late 1970s. Became an attorney. Sentenced to life in prison without parole 12/30/08 on charges he raped an 8-year-old boy in 1992. Rape occurred at a nursing home where the boy had gone to visit family. While a priest, Williams also served as chaplain at Lorain Catholic High School. He also sexually molested a 12-year- old boy for 3 years, beginning in 1984. At trial Williams admitted to “sexual trysts” with other men and that some were with children. Lost appeal in 5/16. On the diocese’s list 6/21/19. Noted to have been permanently removed from ministry.
Wirks Dennis T. Cleveland, OH Wirks’ name was included on a list released by the Cleveland diocese in 4/02 of priests no longer in active ministry because of allegations in the past of abuse of minors. One of three accused priests who had been assigned to St. Josephs of Avon Lake. Laicized, per the diocese’s list in 6/19.
Wittreich John Cleveland, OH Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 6/21/19. Deceased.
Atwood Ronald J. Columbus, OH Removed 7/16/13 without faculties after 7/15/13 allegation received of sexual abuse at Bishop Ready High School and/or St. Stephen the Martyr and St. Peter parishes in Columbus between 1976 and 1979. Investigatied. In 1999, Atwood was charged with public indecency in a park known for homosexual activity. Pled no contest in 2000 to urinating on a tree; paid fine. Included on Attorney Garabedian’s list 3/28/16 of accused clerics named in civil claims resulting in settlements or arbitration awards re alleged abuse of a boy while assigned to Bishop Ready High School, Columbus OH, 1975-80. Claim settled 2/15. Case sent to the Vatican. Died 4/14/16.
Bellinato Hector Columbus, OH Pontifical Institute for Foreign MIssions member (P.I.M.E.). Named publicly as accused by the Columbus diocese on its list 3/1/19. Status: “No longer in Diocese.”
Bennett Thomas M. Columbus, OH Assistant pastor St. Joseph Cathedral (1957-1960), Blessed Sacrament, Newark (1960-1963) and St. Thomas the Apostle, Columbus (1963-1964). Taught at Newark Catholic High School (1960-1963) and at St. Charles Prep High School 1963 until his death in 2008. Assisted area parishes. Also, Administrator Pro Tem at St. Catharine of Siena in Columbus (1978) and Ascension in Johnstown (1981-1982). Diocesan archivist 1988-2008. Named Monsignor in 1992. Died 9/8/08. Bennett was accused in a 7/18 lawsuit of sexually abusing a freshman boy multiple times in 2002-2003 at St. Charles Prep. Another former student came forward by 11/18, saying Bennett molested him when he was a junior in 5/81.
Brosmer Thomas J. Columbus, OH Removed 7/12 from assignment at St Cecelia in Columbus after recent allegation that he had abused a boy age 11 at St Nicholas in Zanesville 1969-1973. Also a teacher at Bishop Rosecrans HS during that time. Police and review board notified. Review board found allegations credible. No criminal charges filed due to SOL. Diocesan investigation was to continue.
Csaszar James Columbus, OH Placed on leave 11/7/17 by diocese due to “excessive and questionable text and telephone communications with a minor and potential misuse of church funds.” Minor was a 16-year-old boy. Pastor of Resurrection in New Albany, previously long-time pastor of St. Rose in New Lexington. Police were investigating. Csaszar took his own life 12/2017. In 4/18 investigators said he left suicide notes. He denied sexual contact with any child or adult. The boy denied a sexual relationship, but said he felt manipulated and threatened by Csaszar. The diocese said text messages between the two referenced a nude photo of the boy.
Ellifritz Michael Columbus, OH Retired in 2002 for “health reasons.” Ellifritz had acknowledged improper contact with a boy between late 1970s-early 1980s. Diocese had known of allegations for some time and Ellifritz had been under supervision for years. Laicization announced 2/18/05.
Emmert Roger Columbus, OH Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 3/1/19. Deceased.
Fete Joseph N. Columbus, OH Monsignor. Accused of sex abuse of a teen boy for four years, 1976-1979, ending when the boy reached adulthood. Fete apparently admitted the ‘relationship’ in 1999 after his accuser contacted the diocese. A financial settlement was negotiated in 1999. Removed from pastoral duties 4/02. Laicized in 2005 or 2006. On the diocese’s list 3/1/19.
France-Kelly Kenneth Columbus, OH Named publicly as accused by the Columbus diocese on its list 3/1/19. Abuse alleged to have occurred elsewhere. Prior to ordination taught at Eastern Senior High School in the DC public school system 1968-75. Worked in Youngstown OH, Nairobi, Kenya, New York City, Columbus OH, Washington DC, Jersey City NJ, Louisville KY. Died 6/21/15 in Columbus. On Dominicans St. Joseph Province list in late 2018. It notes removal from public ministry in 2008 due to credible allegation in 1975, before ordination.
Geiger John A. Columbus, OH Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 3/1/19. Allegation noted to have been made after his death. Died 3/23/95. Per a eulogy posted online, Geiger had been a pastor, teacher, and editor of the diocesan newspaper. It alluded to his “struggle of the past nine years,” and that he resisted the assistance offered by Bishop Griffin, which led to his suspension. It said the bishop lifted the suspension the day before Geiger died of cancer, at Geiger’s request. Nicknamed “Gus” or “Buddy.”
Hanrahan Michael F. Columbus, OH Resigned 1993. Pled guilty in 1994 to molesting a boy in 1983-84. Served three years in prison. Avoided prosecution in cases involving the boy’s two older brothers. Civil suit filed by at least one man. Court ordered diocese to produce Hanrahan’s secret archive file. Diocese settled, file not produced. Court ruled in 1998 that procedural error meant Hanrahan no longer had to register as sexual predator. Laicized early 1990s. On diocese’s list 3/1/19. Deceased.
Hayden Robert E. “Paul” Columbus, OH Br. Robert (or “Paul”) Hayden (also known as Brother Declan) sentenced to one year in prison in 1986 for sexually abusing mentally retarded men at a group home. One resident contracted AIDS and died. Civil suit filed 1993 accused Hayden and Br. Fintan Shaffer of abuse. Also named was Order which ran the home and other religious. Suit settled fall, 1997. Mother of victim will donate proceeds to charity to help other victims.
Heimann David Columbus, OH On staff at Pontifical College Josephinum Seminary in Columbus OH 1958- 5/61. Dismissed when found to be running a sex ring with high school boys. Had people take off their clothes and look at their bodies in mirrors, to tell them how good their bodies were and that Jesus loved them and their bodies. Reportedly laicized in 1963. On Columbus diocese’s list 3/1/19. Deceased.
Hoffman Louis E. Columbus, OH Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 3/1/19. Died 12/7/75. Allegation noted to have been received after his death.
Hunt Robert Columbus, OH Member of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood (C.PP.S). Named publicly by the Columbus diocese on its list 3/1/19. Deceased.
Hutson James Columbus, OH Deacon. Named publicly as accused on the diocese’s list 3/1/19. Deceased.
Jacobs Philip J. Columbus, OH Removed from ministry in Columbus OH diocese in 1993 after reports that he had sexually abused as many as 10 children. Sent to treatment, then went to work as a priest in the Victoria diocese in Vancouver, B.C. Removed from ministry there in 2002 after news of allegations in OH. Subsequently is said to have worked in a “non-church” job in Europe. Arrested 8/10 as he disembarked from a plane in Victoria, BC upon his arrival from San Francisco. Charged with sexual assault, sexual interference, and sexual exploitation involving children under the age of 14. Found guilty at trial 2/13 of sexual touching of a boy. Sentenced 9/13 to two years’ probation with a five-month conditional sentence. Ordered to register as sex offender. On Columbus diocese’s list 3/1/19. Laicized.
Keane Timothy Columbus, OH Named publicly as accused by the Columbus diocese on its list 3/1/19. It notes that he is no longer in ministry.
Lavelle Raymond E. Columbus, OH Retired in 2000. Allegation received 9/13 that he had abused a minor between 1971 and 1980 while pastor of St. Agnes Church on the Hilltop. Worked at multiple parishes and schools during his career. Review board found allegation credible and warranted further investigation. Living at extended care nursing home in 2013. Died 12/31/15.
Loyd Frederick A. Columbus, OH Report to Columbus diocese in 11/08 of sex abuse of a 15-year-old boy for two years, beginning in 1985, while assigned to St. Francis de Sales in Newark, OH. Bishop ordered Loyd to refrain from all public ministry pending investigation. In 12/08 Review Board found allegations credible. Bishop began process to remove Loyd permanently. His last assignment was in 2004. Retired from active ministry in 2006. Diocese stated this was first allegation against Loyd. On diocese’s list 3/1/19. Laicized.
Luchi Robert Columbus, OH Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 3/1/19. Noted to have left ministry.
McClory Bernard J. Columbus, OH Named publicly by the diocese as accused on its list 3/9/19. Retired in 1997. Died 11/21/15. Per his obituary, McClory “served on a number of diocesan boards, committees and commissions.”
McLaughlin Thomas L. Columbus, OH Sentenced in 1989 to 18 months in prison for sexually molesting a 12-year-old boy. Pled guilty and charges involving six other boys dismissed. Spent a year at Hocking Correctional Facility. After his release from prison in 1990 he “complied with [Bp] Griffin’s request” that he be laicized. Civil suit filed by two victims and settled in 1992. Died 2/6/13.
Ritchey Samuel E. Columbus, OH Accused in 12/05 of 1977 abuse of a youth. Review board deemed allegations credible. Placed on leave. A second man alleged in 2/06 that Ritchey gave him drugs and alcohol in 1978 when he was senior in high school and attempted to molest him. Teaching certificate revoked by state in 11/06. In 2016 a man spoke publicly about being molested at age 16 by Ritchey in 1974. He said he asked Ritchey how many other kids he did that with, and Ritchey told him “I have several ‘special friends’ from my parish.” The man’s mother was a cousin of newly ordained and later Bishop Nienstedt, who introduced Ritchey to him. Nienstedt reportedly was told of the abuse, and did nothing. On diocese’s list 3/1/19. Noted to have been laicized and to be deceased.
Schaefer Francis R. Columbus, OH Accused of abusing six boys at a parish in 1962. In 1966 families met with Msgr. Applegate, who promised Schaefer would get help. No action taken for months, then transferred. Bishop was informed in 1970 of Schaefer’s misdeeds, but no action. In 1970 Schaefer moved to new parish where he allegedly abused again 1970-1975. Two civil suits filed in 1993. On diocese’s list 3/1/19. Deceased.
Schmidt Robert R. Columbus, OH Monsignor. Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 3/1/19. Died 11/29/04. Allegation noted to have been received after his death.
Shaffer Fintan Columbus, OH Brother Fintan. Given name was Guy Dale Shaffer. Administrator of home for mentally handicapped, run by the order. In 1985 there were allegations that Shaffer and other religious had abused residents of the home. One resident died of AIDS. No criminal charges. Civil suit filed 1993, settled 1997. Left order in mid-1980s and died in 1989. Included on Santa Fe archdiocese’s list of accused 9/12/17.
Spires Ted Columbus, OH Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 3/1/19. Deceased. Laicized. Noted to have been accused after his death.
Sprenger Alan M. Columbus, OH Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 3/1/19. Died 4/15/06. Noted to have been accused after his death. Prior to ordination, Sprenger was a Marianist brother and taught at Chaminade High School in Dayton, OH and North Catholic High in Pittsburgh, PA. Co-founder of Youth Homes for teenage wards of the court and county children services. Retired in 2001.
Tague John P. Columbus, OH Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 3/1/19. Died 6/15/83. Noted to have been accused after his death.
Tumeo George Columbus, OH Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 3/1/19. Laicized.
Weithman Martin Columbus, OH Placed on leave 7/02 after allegation he molested a teenage boy over a 6-year period in the late 1980s. Denied allegation and threatened to sue accuser. Case settled for $115K in 2002. Review board found allegations credible. In 2003 Weithman was told to ask for laicization or Bishop would ask Vatican to laicize without consent. Weithman did not consent until 2004. Laicized in 2005.
Zuccarelli Lisa Columbus, OH Member of the Dominican Sisters of Peace, first assigned in 1975. In 7/18 a woman alleged that Zuccarelli molested her in 1982 when she was a student at Fisher Catholic High School in Lancaster. The Order removed Zuccarelli from ministry and restricted her from unsupervised contact with minors and former students. Zuccarelli taught at Fisher High 1980-85. Prior to that she was a teacher at Desales High 1975-77 and Catholic Central High in Steubenville 1978-80. Taught at Georgetown University’s School of Nursing 1995-99, chaplain there at St. Mary’s Hall and Darnall Hall 1996-2002. Director of academic enrichment and student life until 2003. Professor at Salve Regina University in RI from 2003 until her 2018 removal. The Order deemed the allegation credible.
Bernas Elwood Steubenville, OH First named as accused on diocese’s list 10/31/18. Noted to have been suspended from ministry in 1986.
Brown Robert A. Steubenville, OH Accused in 2005 of abusing a boy during a rectory overnight in 1970. Brown gave alcohol to group of boys and allegedly masturbated the boy as part of the abuse. Brown is alleged to have abused 3 of the boy’s cousins on other occasions. Diocese announcedin 2006 that it had received a credible allegation that Brown sexually abused a minor child 1976-78 together with Mr. Paul Ditto, a lay volunteer. Retired 1984. Died 10/7/91. On diocese’s list 10/31/18.
Danko Vincent Steubenville, OH First named publicly as accused on the diocese’s list 10/31/18. Noted to have been suspended from ministry in 1971. Died 11/25/91.
Foxhoven Christopher Steubenville, OH Pastor of Holy Cross and St. Mary of the Hill. Suspended in 10/18 after admitting to “sexual contact with and abuse of a minor.” Admitted to impregnating a 17-year-old girl, who was a Holy Cross altar server. Arrested, charged with 8 counts of sexual battery. Prosecutor stated that Foxhoven had been grooming the girl for three years, and the sexual contact started in 8/18. Pled guilty. Sentenced 11/18 to 12 years in prison and required to register as a sex offender. On diocese’s list 10/31/18. Appealed conviction in 4/19, arguing that his sentence was excessive.
Froehlich Mark J. Steubenville, OH In a letter to parishioners at Mass on 5/27/18, the Steubenville diocese announced that it had received credible allegations of sexual abuse by Froehlich and had removed him from active ministry. An alleged victim said she had tried to report the abuse since her teens, but was told by priests and others in the diocese that it was her fault. She again reported the abuse to the diocese in 1/18. Froehlich denied the allegation. Froehlich was named a monsignor in 1987 and retired on 1/31/14. In addition to many parish assignments, he was a teacher and official at Guernsey Catholic Central HS in Cambridge 1972-1977 and a chancery official, including a stint as dean and long tenure as a judge in the tribunal. He was also finance officer of the St Vincent de Paul Society in Barnesville and prominent in the Rotary Club.
Goschke Harold J. Steubenville, OH First named publicly as accused on the Steubenville Diocese’s list 10/31/18. Noted to have been suspended from ministry in 1957. Per the Official Catholic Directory, Goschke was Absent on Leave from the Diocese of Steubenville after 1957, and by 1966 was working at parishes in the Diocese of Stockton. There through 1976, then in the Directories as a Steubenville priest Absent on Leave. On Stockton diocese’s Necrology list on its website accessed 12/1/18. Died 1/5/92.
Harris Kenneth L. Steubenville, OH First named publicly as accused on the Diocese of Steubenville’s list 10/31/18. Noted to have been suspended from ministry in 1963. Per the 1943 Official Catholic Directory, Harris was a priest of the the Natchez MS diocese. By 1950 he was Absent On Leave from Natchez, in San Bernardino, CA, back in MS by 1951, then Absent on Leave again in the 1952 Directory. By 1953 he was still on leave from Natchez, in the Diocese of Steubenville. He died 6/22/64. On Jackson diocese’s list 3/19/19. It notes alleged abuse in 1951 in Steubenville reported in 1998 and 2003.
Hellmer Michael D. Steubenville, OH Monsignor. First named publicly as accused on the diocese’s list 10/31/18. Noted to have been suspended from ministry in 1989. Deceased.
Holmes John “Jack” Steubenville, OH First named publicly as accused on the diocese’s list 10/31/18. Noted to have been suspended from ministry in 1989. Deceased.
Marrer Robert F. Steubenville, OH Accused in 1995 of the sexual abuse, including rape, of a 3- to 6-year-old girl in 1967-70. Marrer took a leave of absence in 1971 and died in 1996. On Steubenville diocese’s list 10/31/18.
Martinkosky Joseph A. Steubenville, OH First named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 10/31/18. Noted to have been suspended from ministry in 1991.
McGuire John/Conrad Steubenville, OH Named publicly as credibly accused by Franciscan University in 4/19. “Friar John McGuire, formerly Gather Conrad McGuire.” Laicized in 1988.
Nadzam John B. Steubenville, OH Diocese announced 4/09 that it had received a substantiated allegation that Nadzam abused a minor in the 1970s. Civil authorities notified. Nadzam was assigned to several parishes over the years and taught at Catholic Central High School. He died in 2/05. On diocese’s list 10/31/18. Noted to have been supsended from ministry in 2004.
O’Donnell Henry B. Steubenville, OH Accused 12/8/05 of sexually abusing a 13-year-old girl in 1950 in Washington DC. The girl’s mother allegedly discovered O’Donnell in the act of forcibly kissing her daughter as well as touching the girl’s breasts and genitals beneath her clothes. O’Donnell was diocesan secretary or chancellor at the time. The kissing was allegedly repeated by then-Msgr. O’Donnell when the girl was age 18, and he is accused of verbally abusing her at age 27 in a sexual manner. O’Donnell was then vicar general.
Peltz Carl Anthony Steubenville, OH Navy chaplain 1983-1990. Incardinated into Kalamazoo diocese 1990. As Navy chaplain in Iceland in 1985, Peltz allegedly forced 12 yr old boy to drink whiskey & then raped him. Federal suit filed 1991 alleged Steubenville Diocese should have known Peltz had a drinking problem, yet it certified him as fit for service. Suit settled by Diocese in 1993 for $25K. “Exonerated” 2003 by Kalamazoo diocesan review board, which cited it found no credible evidence. Died 12/26/15.
Plimmer Walter Steubenville, OH Actor on Broadway prior to ordination. Indexed in the 1943 Official Catholic Directory as a U.S. Army chaplain and with the suffix s.s., indicating he was a priest of the Society of St. Sulpice. In 1946-47 Plimmer was at St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore. By 1948 he is shown as a priest of the Diocese of Steubenville, apparently having left his Order. First named publicly as accused by the Diocese of Steubenville on its list 10/31/18. Noted to have been suspended from ministry in 1956. Deceased.
Rothbauer Francis J. (Frank) Steubenville, OH Rothbauer was removed from active ministry in 1988. Suit filed in 1989 claiming Rothbauer sexually abused a girl starting when she was age 14, during counseling 1968-72. Bishop Mussio allegedly learned of the abuse in 1972 and transferred Rothbauer to another parish. Rothbauer died 2/17/11 at age 83. On the diocese’s list 10/31/18. It notes that he was suspended from ministry in 1998.
Samuel Tiesi Steubenville, OH Named publicly as credibly accused by Franciscan University in 4/19. Died in 2001.
Wright Joel A Steubenville, OH Seminarian at Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus OH. Arrested by federal agents in San Diego 1/29/16 on charges related to allegedly seeking to travel to Mexico to adopt and have sex with multiple female infants. Per court documents, Wright tried to adopt a baby from Mexico in 2014. His mother told news media that at least 40 dioceses and religious orders rejected his applications prior to his admission to Pontifical College. The college dismissed him after his arrest. Pled not guilty in U.S. District Court 2/25/16. Pled guilty in a plea agreement 4/13/16. Sentenced 7/1/16 to 16 years in federal prison and lifetime supervision. On diocese’s list 10/31/18.
Zalenski Gary Steubenville, OH Suspended 11/17/07 after “credible” accusation he sexually assaulted girl, age 9-11, 1989-1991 in Lore City, OH. She told parents and church; he was transferred. Denied allegations. Matter sent to D.A. and to Rome. In 10/08, Grand Jury did not indict, citing lack of probable cause. A second accuser came forward 10/08. Zalenski’s attorney threatened to sue if she spoke publicly. She sued 1/09 for release of records. OH Sup Court ordered Court to release records 7/10. Sent to three treatment centers. Laicized 2014. On diocese’s list 10/31/18.
Beauregard Thomas J. Toledo, OH Public allegations in 2002 that he abused at least 3 teenage girls between 1964-1966 while he was religion instructor at Central Catholic High School. During counseling sessions he ordered girls to strip off their clothes and fondled at least 1 girl. Also took pictures of the girls. Would sometimes take off his clothes also and lie on top of the girls. Removed 1994 from parish assignment after 1st woman complained. Served on Marriage Tribunal until at least 2002. Barred from public ministry. Died 2/05.
Beaver Nelson Toledo, OH Pastor of Resurrection in Lexington and St. Mary of the Snows in Mansfield since 2010 when suspended in 10/18 after allegation he sexually abused a minor more than 25 years prior. Beaver denied the allegation. Had been an ordained Lutheran minister 1969-72 before converting to Catholicism. Retirement announced by diocese 7/1/19. Still on administrative leave during diocesan investigation. Two more allegations surfaced after the first person came forward; the investigation into that one was closed in 3/19, per the request of the alleged victim. Law enforcement closed their investigations due to the statute of limitation.
Doyle Michael Toledo, OH Woman filed suit 10/02 saying Doyle sexually abused her in his office at St. Anthony’s Orphanage. She also alleged that at least two other orphans, including one he abused, knew of Doyle’s alleged abuses. Plaintiff claimed she tried to tell the nuns at the orphanage but was punished and transferred to a residential school for girls for being defiant. She also tried to tell diocese in 1973 but then-Bishop Donovan rejected her claims. One claim settled 2004. Doyle died in 1987 at age 88.
Feltman Philip S. Toledo, OH Woman complained in 2002 that Feltman had abused her when she was 9 in 1972 at St. Thomas Aquinas parish. Diocesan review board found accusations to be credible and Feldman was placed on leave 1/03. He denied all charges. A disciplinary panel was scheduled. The woman refused to appear before the local church inquiry board so matter was forwarded to the Vatican. In 7/03 Feltman was returned to duty after a Vatican council found that there wasn’t enough evidence to support the claims. Retired 5/09.
Fisher Robert Toledo, OH Convicted of a sexual offense committed against 14 year old girl in 1987 (referred to as misdemeanor charges of sexual imposition and contributing to sexual abuse of a minor). He served 30 days in jail in 1988 and underwent 4 years of therapy and counseling before being reinstated. Not permanently removed until 7/02 after Dallas Bishops’ Conference.
Gallen John J. Toledo, OH Accused in 2004 of abuse of 16-year-old youth in 1980 in Toledo, OH and California. Jesuit Provincial in NY wrote to the man in 1993 and enclosed a letter of apology from Gallen. Gallen sent another letter in 1994. In 1994 the man settled with the Jesuits for $50,000. Gallen remained active until 2003. Died 4/17/11. Added to Baltimore archdiocese’s list 4/24/19. Worked in the archdioces at Woodstock College 1968-75.
Garand Frederick Toledo, OH Per 12/02 article, Garand was murdered in Florida in 1982. Toledo police interviewed two youths at Child Study Institute who said they were abused by Garand and that there were other victims. As investigation progressed a man came forward to say that Garand had abused him between 1954 and 1958. A policeman complained in 1958 and Garand was transferred to another parish.
Geiger William Toledo, OH Suit filed by 3 men 5/1/03 against diocese alleging they were sexually abused in the 1970s by Geiger and another Redemptorist priest, at a Lima Ohio parish. Boys were 6-10 at time of alleged abuse. The identity of the 2nd priest is not specified due to confusion as to exact person. When suit was filed, Geiger was working near Charlotte, NC but the 2002 Catholic Directory shows him assigned to a Pennsylvania church in the Harrisburg diocese. Settled in 2004. Died 6/17/07. Name included on the Harrisburg diocese’s 8/1/18 list; no known allegations in that diocese.
Gray Dennis Toledo, OH Sued 2002. & 2003. At least 11 suits allege abuse of boys 1975-1987. Diocese says allegations were credible. He left priesthood in 1987 and was allowed to return to the lay state. In 2002 he was working for Toledo Public Schools as dean of students at a high school. Gray has finally surrendered his teaching certificate. As of 4/12, SNAP reports he may be attempting to join Blessed John Catholic Church in Perrysburg,OH
Hemstreet John Toledo, OH Hemstreet left active ministry in 1987 and in 1992 was arrested for sexually abusing a 10 yr old boy. Diocese paid for his treatment at St. Luke’s. He was sentenced to 90 days in jail in 1993. Diocese says he left ministry without requesting laicization. Hemstreet, an “admitted alcoholic, convicted child molester and former boy scout leader”, was active in protesting the Boy Scouts’ policy of not accepting homosexual leaders. Absent on leave per 1988, 1990 and 1995 Catholic Directories. Died 2007.
Kokocinski Bernard Toledo, OH Sued 2 times in 2002. Accused of rape of boy in 1975 and also abuse of the man’s brother. Arrested at least three times for improper sexual activity. Suits settled at mediation 6/04. Has been barred from active ministry as of 2004. Teaching certificate revoked 11/06. Has been dismissed from the clerican state.
Liston Richard Toledo, OH Accused of raping a teenager in Norwalk in 1978. Diocese transferred him at least twice without telling anyone. Toledo police investigation in 1985 into priest’s financial interest in two gay bars uncovered the allegation from his past. Diocese sent himto treatment center in VA but he walked away from the Center. Liston died 1/94.
Lucas C. Neil Toledo, OH Placed on leave 12/02 after allegations he sexually abused more than one boy in mid-1970s. Review board recommended his removal. Lucas did not deny the accusations. 3/04 report from Diocese says that Lucas was one of 10 priests permanently removed frompublic ministry because of credible or substantiated allegations. Died 11/07.
McCullen John Toledo, OH Name is on 3/04 list of priests accused of abuse which Bishop released. This is the first time his name was released. Allegations surfaced after he moved to Florida in 1960 and abuse apparently occurred in Florida. Although supposedly retired, he was found to be working at St. Ambrose Church in Deerfield Beach, FL. per 2002 Catholic Directory. Barred from public ministry. Matter sent to Rome.
McLaughlin Michael P. Toledo, OH Sued 2003. Civil suit alleges that McLaughlin abused a 11 yr old boy in 1980 in church rectory. Another man alleged abuse in 1987. McLaughlin served in four parishes before he was barred from serving as a priest in 1990. He was “absent on leave” per 1993 Catholic Directory. 3/04 statement from Diocese said McLaughlin and two other accused priests left the ministry without requesting laicization. Allegations against them range from credible to substantiated to admitted.
Meiring Thomas Toledo, OH One man filed civil suit in Feb. 2006 alleging abuse by Meiring when he was a priest in Toledo Diocese between 1967-1969. Plaintiff was 15 at the time. Meiring asked to leave the priesthood in 1983 and worked as a licensed counselor and clinical supervisor with transgendered people and youths with gender-identity problems. He denied the allegations. Case dismissed 3/08 re Meiring on SOL issues but diocese and church remain as defendants.
Miller unknown Toledo, OH Per 9/24/03 article, a man had just filed suit alleging that he had been molested from age 8 until he was 14 (between 1967-1973) by a Father Miller (first name unknown). Abuse occurred at SS Peter & Paul church in South Toledo. Per court document, casewas dismissed with prejudice 4/04.
Pinter Alexander Toledo, OH From Hungary. Accused of abuse 1956-60 at St. Stephen in Toledo. Sent to Canada for treatment and later assigned there. Became parish priest in Louisiana in 1974 and died there in 1979. Also worked in the Oakland diocese. On the Oakland diocese’s list in 2019.
Pucci Joseph Toledo, OH In 12/02 Pucci was accused by two women of molesting them when they were young teenagers in the 1950s. One woman came forward in 2002; Oblate representatives acknowledged the complaints. Per 6/02 article, one man reported that Pucci molested him in 1980 at a rectory in Palm Beach, Fl. He told his family in 1993 and they reported it to Palm Beach Bishop Symons and to police. No record of complaint at either place. Pucci retired 1994 and died 2000 in Florida. In 1998 Symons resigned after admitting in 1998 that he abused a boy early in his priesthood; he later admitted to abusing four other boys.
Punnoor Samuel Toledo, OH Placed on leave 5/22/15 after diocese received allegation against him of child sexual abuse. Punnoor visiting his native India when report made 5/6/15; suspended upon return to Ohio. Working in Toledo diocese since 4/11. From diocese of Pathanamthitta, India.
Richey Herbert, Jr. Toledo, OH Accused of abuse of several youths. At least 7 known victims in two parishes from 1980s. Confidential settlements pre-1992. Forced from priesthood in 1992 and laicized in 1997. Allegations substantiated. Later turned up working as music director/organist in another Toldeo parish. Later had same position in Detroit. Banned in 2002. Learned in 2011 that he was working in Detroit area as late as 1/11 as church organist. Immediately removed.
Robinson Gerald J. Toledo, OH Placed on leave 2003 or 2004. Accused in 2003 of sexually abusing a 14-year-old girl in 1978 at Mercy Hospital; accuser claimed ritual abuse by several priests. Accused 2005 of ritual abuse of a girl in 1968-75. Convicted 5/11/06 of 1980 ritual murder of nun at Mercy Hospital; sentenced to 15 years in prison. Case appealed. Ohio Sup. Court refused to hear appeal 12/08. Civil suit involving abuse dismissed 1/07 on SOL. Court reinstated lawsuit 10/07. Dismissed again 1/10. Dismissal upheld 12/10 & 4/11. Believed to be terminally ill (debilitating heart attack) in prison as of 6/3/14. Seeking early release but state authorities are opposing it. Early release denied 7/3/14. He died in prison 7/4/14. Will be buried as a priest.
Rogers Stephen G. Toledo, OH Rogers, a religion teacher at Central Catholic High School, was placed on leave 12/02 after being caught with internet child porn. Convicted in 2003 and sentenced to 21 months prison. Served 18 months. Diocese paid his salary while he was in prison. Teacher’s certificate was been revoked as of 11/06. Permanently removed from public ministry. Still a registered sex offender as of 1/2/10.
Roth James H. Toledo, OH In 1/15 a man reported to Roth’s Order sexual abuse multiple times by the priest when he was a 9 or 10 yrs-old, 14 yrs. previously. Roth was removed from position on a Toronto school board. Police informed. Roth died 2/11/15 of suspected suicide; left a note admitting to the abuse. Was an O.S.F.S. Brother for about 20 yrs. prior to 1995 ordination. Worked at St. Francis de Sales High School in Toledo OH 1976-1987, and 1995-2004 as a teacher, guidance counselor and administrator. Filled in at St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception parish in Monroe MI. Also assigned to schools in UT and Ontario, Canada. Victim was younger brother of a St. Francis de Sales High student.
Scharf Lawrence C. Toledo, OH Scharf was placed on leave 3/02 after allegations surfaced of sexual misconduct with a minor in 1976. It was later learned that a similar offense occurred in 1981. Scharf admitted the conduct and was placed in inpatient therapy. As of 2004 he was barred because of credible allegations. Has been dismissed from clerical state per 4/08 status report.
Schmelzer Joseph M. Toledo, OH In 2002 a man alleged that Schmelzer abused him 1983-1985, when he was a teenager. He said Schmelzer began touching him when he was 16 and then molested him at age 19 after giving him alcohol. The man complained first in 1993; Schmelzer was counseled and moved. Civil suit filed 2003. Schmelzer permanently removed after Review Board found the claims credible.Teaching certification revoked 11/06. Another allegation reported 2004, not revealed until 2007. In 11/18 a man told news outlets that in 2005 he first reported to the diocese that when he was age 13, Schmelzer fondled, drugged and raped him in the St. Wendelin rectory. He said he got no response. He told the diocese again in 2015. In 12/17 the Review Board found the allegations “not substantiated.”
Shiffler John C. Toledo, OH 2002 suit alleged that man had been abused by Shiffler in 1987 and by Dennis Gray from 1983-1987. Man complained to Diocese in 1995 and Shiffler admitted to abusing Plaintiff and another youth in mid-1980s. He was sent for therapy and returned to limited duty as chaplain at a home for the aged 7/97 and as administrator of two parishes. Permanently removed from active ministry 7/02 because of “credible allegations.”
Shrimplin Glen Toledo, OH 2 men filed civil suit 10/03 claiming abuse by Shrimplin in 1970s. Shrimplin was ordained a deacon in 1974 and says he left the active diaconate of his own accord in 1987. He denied allegations of abuse. Late Bishop Hoffman acknowledged that Shrimplin was “removed from active diaconal ministry.” 3rd man settled 2004 and 4th man filed civil suit 2/08 in Florida alleging abuse on trip to Florida in 1975 or 1976. Vatican formally laicized him 11/30/07. Civil suit dropped due to SOL 6/08.
Thomas Robert R. Toledo, OH Removed 7/02. Accused of abuse of minor between 1982- 1984. Had worked at Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Toledo. Admitted abuse, sent for therapy, reassigned to Holy Trinity in Bucyrus, and then transferred to Tucson. Was serving in Tucson diocese at time accusation became public. No evidence of abuse in Tucson. Permanently removed from public ministry.
Tynan J. Michael Toledo, OH Tynan, a 45 yr old ordained deacon, was two days away from becoming an ordained priest 6/04 when he was placed on leave after Diocese learned that he was being investigated for possession of child porn. Name appeared on a child-porn web site based in aforeign country and the US Customs had begun an investigation. Reason he was not ordained was not announced until 10/04 when he was criminally charged. Has been laicized. Sentenced to 3 yrs prison. On OH sex offender registry.
Varney Lawrence F. Toledo, OH Diocese announced 10/08 that Varney, who retired in 2002, had been placed on leave and barred from public ministry after Review Board found allegations that he had engaged in sexual misconduct with a minor “almost 30 years ago” (late 1970s) to be credible. Accuser had just recently come forward. Varney was instructor at Toledo Central Catholic High School at the time of the alleged abuse. Permanently removed from public ministry. Matter referred to Rome.
Warren Chester John “Chet” Toledo, OH Accused of abusing more than 10 girls, in what Bishop Blair in 2005 called “grievously sinful and criminal acts.” Ritual abuse alleged. Settlements exceed $1.2M. Expelled from order in 1993. Barred from a parish and school by court order in 8/06 after families complained that he was showing up at all hours, sometimes in clerical garb, despite agreement to attend at only certain hours.
Welch Leo Toledo, OH Accused in a 2002 lawsuit of abuse of at least two boys 1959-1961 while assigned to Immaculate Conception in Bellevue. Said to have abused boys at his cabin with a pond in Bono, OH. One victim said Welch abused him when he was ages 12-14, and that when he was 15 he told the pastor. Welch reportedly was transferred after other victims came forward. Left active priesthood in 1965 without permission and became certified social worker in 1974. Admitted abuse in 2002. Fired in 2002.
Yeager Robert J. Toledo, OH Per 2004 article, attys for diocese reached settlement with 1 victim of alleged abuse. Yeager continued as major fund-raiser for diocese. Not placed on leave until 5/06 when diocese investigation was completed and allegations were “credible.” Another victim also has come forward. Retired 2005. Teaching certificate revoked 11/06. Permanently removed from public ministry.
Bennett Joseph R. (Y) Youngstown, OH First named publicly as accused on the diocese’s list 10/29/18. Assignments included parishes in Boardman, Youngstown, Ashtabula, East Liverpool, Struthers, Canton, Warren, Niles, Kingsville, and Geneva. Allegations made after Bennett’s death.
Bouchard Denis G. Youngstown, OH Pastor of Queen of the Holy Rosary in Vienna. Member of the traditionalist Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter. Placed on leave in 11/18 after a man reported to the diocese 9/26 that Bouchard sexually abused him as a boy, ages 9-11. A previous allegation revealed soon after the first became known, by a person unwilling to cooperate with investigators.
Burns Robert M. Youngstown, OH Worked in Diocese of Youngstown 1975-81. Abused minors in Youngstown OH diocese; sent for counseling & treatment. Transferred to Boston. Youngstown told Boston not to let him be around children. Continued to abuse. Removed from active ministry in 1991. Pled guilty 3/96 in NH to molesting two youths. Served 3 three years of an eight-year sentence. Admitted to abusing 42 boys and young men. Sued several times. Boston settled claims totaling more than $2.6M 1992-2002. Laicized 1999. Convicted again 2005. Given 11-year sentence. In prison 11/11. Not on Boston archdiocese’s list. Reportedly released from prison, per 7/17 news article, and living in Boston in 2015. On Youngstown diocese’s list 10/29/18.
Crum Thomas J. Youngstown, OH Removed by the Diocese in 6/09 after newly reported allegations of sexual misconduct with a teenage student more than 30 years before. When confronted, he admitted the allegations were true and diocese sent him to a treatment facility. He was assigned to Cardinal Mooney High School as well as to St. James in Warren and St. John the Baptist during the relevant time period. Three additional allegations received within one month. Laicization announced 07/19/10. On diocese’s list 10/29/18.
Cunningham John P. Youngstown, OH First named publicly as accused on the diocese’s list 10/29/18. Allegations were made after Cunningham’s death.
Curran Gerald X. Youngstown, OH First named publicly as accused on the diocese’s list 10/29/18. Allegations noted to have been reported after his death.
Dupont Guy Bernard Youngstown, OH First named publicly as accused on the Youngstown diocese’s list 10/29/18. On Dominicans St. Joseph Province list in late 2018. Removed from public ministry 2018 due to credible allegation of abuse occurring in 1982 or 1983.
Esposito Anthony Michael Youngstown, OH First named publicly as accused on the diocese’s list 10/29/18. Assignments included St. Aloysius in East Liverpool, St. Rose in Girard, the YU Newman Club, Newman Apostolate, and the Columbiana Deanery of Priests.
Evrit/Evritt Richard C. Youngstown, OH First named publicly as accused on the Youngstown diocese’s list 10/29/18. The Catholic Directories consistently spell his name “Evrit;” it is spelled “Evritt” on the diocese’s list. Assigned to St. Paul in Salem, Holy Family in Poland, St. Paul in North Canton, St. Patrick in Kent, St. Pius X in Warren. Evrit was Absent on Sick Leave 1985 until 1987, when he resurfaced in the Diocese of Charlotte, assigned to a Morgantown parish.
Fondriest James M. Youngstown, OH First named publicly as accused on the diocese’s list 10/29/18. Leave of Absence from St. Joseph’s in Mantua, where he was pastor, in 1994. Went on to marry. Later married. Deceased.
Formichelli Ernest Youngstown, OH First named publicly as accused on the diocese’s list 10/29/18. Ordained a permanent deacon in 2008. Between 1971 and 2013 taught at St. Christine School and Cardinal Mooney High School. Teaching license revoked by the state in 2013 after two people alleged abuse.
Galganski Joseph Youngstown, OH Monsignor. First named publicly as accused on the diocese’s list 10/29/18. Retired in 1980. Died 7/22/92. Allegations noted to have been reported after his death.
Gallagher Henry Youngstown, OH First named publicly as accused on the diocese’s list 10/29/18. Allegations noted to have been reported after his death.
Gallagher John P. Youngstown, OH First named publicly as accused on the diocese’s list 10/29/18. Allegation noted to have been reported after his death. Died 1/3/74.
Gubser Paul L. Youngstown, OH First named publicly as accused on the diocese’s list 10/29/18. Assignments included parishes in Youngstown, Warren, Ravenna, Conneaut, Struthers, McDonald, Canton, Summitville, Salineville, Dungannon and Rootstown. Retired in 7/02. Died 2/25/06.
Hammer John E. Youngstown, OH Removed 2002 after admitting to abuse of an altar boy 1980-1983. Sent for treatment in 1985 then worked in MD. Returned to Youngstown area in 1990; Bishop Malone persuaded Saginaw MI diocese to take him; worked there for the next 12 years. Lawsuit filed 9/02 by three plaintiffs from the Youngstown diocese and one youth from the Saginaw diocese. On the Saginaw diocese’ s list 4/25/18, On the Youngstown diocese’s list 10/29/18.
Hennessey James Youngstown, OH First named publicly as accused on the diocese’s list 10/29/18. Assignments included St. Nicholas in Struthers, Immaculate Conception in Wellsville, Mother of Sorrows in Ashtabula and St. Therese in Brewster. Allegations noted to have been received after Hennessey’s death.
Hill Robert E. Youngstown, OH Arrested and convicted in 1991 on charges of compelling prostitution by paying to perform sex acts on a 17-year-old boy. Served two years in prison. Suspended by the diocese and sent for treatment. Found in 2002 living at a retirement home for priests–in the same building as a pre-school. Retired, per 5/02 article. On diocese’s list 10/29/18. Noted to be deceased.
Kelly Thomas F. (Y) Youngstown, OH First named publicly as accused on the Diocese of Youngstown’s list 10/29/18. Noted to be deceased. Assignments included St. Columba Cathedral, and parishes in Garrettsville, Ashtabula, Youngstown, Liverpool and Campbell.
Lyons John F. Youngstown, OH First named publicly as accused on the diocese’s list 10/29/18. Allegations noted to have been received after Lyons’ death.
Marrokal Donald P. Youngstown, OH First named publicly as accused on the Youngstown diocese’s list 10/29/18. Deceased.
McCarthy Thomas Bertrand Youngstown, OH First named publicly as accused on the diocese’s updated list 11/9/18. Noted to be deceased. On Dominicans St. Joseph Province list in late 2018. It notes McCarthy died in 1986, and allegation established in 2018.
Oser Donald J. Youngstown, OH First named publicly as accused on the diocese’s list 10/29/18. Assignments included parishes in Geneva, Austintown, Struthers, Boardman, Hubbard, Alliance, Youngstown, Columbiana, Warren, Canton and North Canton. Died 10/23/12.
Parillo John R. Youngstown, OH First named publicly as accused on the diocese’s list 10/29/18. Allegations noted to have been reported after Parillo’s death.
Reidy Robert E. Youngstown, OH After two brothers came forward in 2002, Reidy admitted abusing them in 1960s when they were children. They claimed Reidy had taken advantage of them while their father was dying. After their father died, Reidy would take them on extended trips and sexually abuse them. Reidy was “removed from the ministry” and “retired” as of 4/02 and sent for counseling. Civil suit filed 2002. Trial set for 3/04. On diocese’s list 10/29/18.
Ryan John E. Youngstown, OH First named publicly as accused on the Youngstown diocese’s list 10/29/18. Noted to be deceased. Assignments included parishes in Boardman, Poland, Massillon, Canal Fulton, Warren and Youngstown.
Sabatino Robert A. Youngstown, OH First named publicly as accused on the diocese’s list 10/29/18. Noted to be deceased.
Santucci Louis Youngstown, OH First named publicly as accused on the diocese’s list 10/29/18. Assignments included St. Patrick’s in Hubbard, Ursuline High School, Cardinal Mooney High School, St. Joseph’s in Maximo, Regina Coeli in Alliance, and Immaculate Conception in Ravenna.
Schmidt John W. Youngstown, OH First named publicly as accused on the diocese’s list 10/29/18. Among assignments were parishes in Massillon, Ashtabula, Youngstown, Canton, Lisbon and Sebring. Died 2/10/03.
Smaltz William B. Youngstown, OH First named publicly as accused on the diocese’s list 10/29/18. Noted to have been assigend to St. Mary’s in Massillon, St. Edward’s in Youngstown, Our Lady of Lourdes in E. Palestine and St. Mary’s in Conneaut.
Vazquez Jose (Y) Youngstown, OH First named publicly on the Youngstown diocese’s list updated 11/9/18. Noted to have worked St. Aloysius in East Liverpool, St. Joseph’s in Canton and St. Charles in Boardman.
Warner John F. Youngstown, OH Bishop Murray removed Warner from his assignment as pastor of Saints Philip and James Parish in Canal Fulton in 10/11 after allegations of sexual misconduct with a minor more than 30 years previously. Warner was assigned to Saint Edward Parish in Youngstown at the time. Diocesan review board found allegation credible. Warner denied the allegations. In 2013, Diocese said he was living in another state under supervision. On diocese’s list 10/29/18.
Zapitelli Francis Youngstown, OH Ordained for the Diocese of Youngstown. Incardinated into the Diocese of Phoenix in 4/83. Removed from public ministry in 11/18 after an allegation that Zappitelli engaged in “sexual misconduct” with a minor in the mid-1970s as a Youngstown priest. On Youngstown diocese’s list 10/29/18.

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