Sex Abuse Victims of The Texas Catholic Church

You may be entitled to monetary compensation.

MAXIMIZE your compensation by calling an experienced sex abuse lawyer to help with your Texas Diocese IRCP forms.

TEXAS IRCP CLOSED – Contact Merson Law Now for More Information

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Pittsburgh Diocese IRCP

The IRCP Begins Soon. Hurry!

Don’t let the Texas Catholic Diocese & Catholic Church deny or minimize your sex abuse claim by getting the help you need from an experienced and successful lawyer like Jordan Merson and his firm, Merson Law.

Send Us A Quick, Confidential Message To Get Started!

You Deserve Justice. Get Started Now.


Your privacy and safety is of the utmost importance to us. Please know that anything you share through this website is secure and confidential. You can call our office directly: ‪(212) 603-9100‬. Your contacting Merson Law is confidential.

Texas Catholic Church Abuse Scandal

For decades, the Catholic Church has attempted to cover up the mass abuse of children, particularly young boys, by priests and clergymen. Many of these priests were moved to new areas of the country at the expense of the Church. Many more fled the country themselves.

Years ago, these were only rumors and urban legends, but as more and more innocent lives were affected, this tragedy gained the attention of the mainstream media.

After years of pressure, the Catholic Diocese of Texas has finally released a list of clergymen accused of sexual misconduct, including the abuse and molestation of children.

These lists contain over 300 names, and these are only the names of those with substantial evidence. Likely, many more are guilty.

Merson Law has provided PDF versions of the official statements of all 15 Catholic Dioceses in Texas below:

Lists Provided by the Dioceses of Texas

A report commissioned by the Catholic Church in 2004 stated that over 4,000 Roman Catholic priests faced sexual misconduct allegations, involving nearly 10,000 children.

In the last few years, many dioceses have put together programs to compensate victims. This is likely the next step for the Catholic Diocese of Texas, especially if pressure from the public continues.

Merson Law has years of experience helping victims participate in these programs. If you were abused by a member of any of these dioceses, the staff at Merson Law can help you.

Jordan Merson, Founder of Merson Law, New York’s top sex abuse law firm and winner of the largest sexual assault verdict in New York State History has helped numerous sexual abuse victims of the Catholic Church receive the compensation they truly deserve.

Merson Law philadelphia archdiocese IRRP pittsburgh diocese ircp

Attorney Jordan Merson has been successful in helping numerous sex abuse victims of the catholic church get the compensation they need and deserve, with child sex abuse cases with the New York IRCP , the Syracuse IRCP , the  Buffalo IRCP, and the Philadelphia IRRP.

Jordan Merson and his firm, Merson Law, have been featured on many prominent media outlets for championing justice for sexual abuse victims.

Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Program (IRCP) for Victim-Survivors of Abuse Information

The IRCP has Closed – Contact Merson Law for More Information on Legal Options

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You Deserve Justice. Get Started Now.


Your privacy and safety is of the utmost importance to us. Please know that anything you share through this website is secure and confidential. You can call our office directly: ‪(212) 603-9100‬. Your contacting Merson Law is confidential.