Buffalo Diocese Bankruptcy: Catholic Church Files Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

You may be entitled to monetary compensation.

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Diocese of Buffalo Files Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

Since the early 1900’s, the Diocese of Buffalo has protected nearly 100 priests credibly accused of sexual assault of children. With the passing of the Child Victims Act last year, victims who have otherwise been unable to sue or file a claim against the Diocese are now eligible.

Fearing an onslaught of claims, on February 28, 2020, The Roman Catholic Diocese of Buffalo filed for Chapter 11 reorganization under the U.S. Federal Bankruptcy code.

A “primary aim” of the filing is to resolve the most number of claims under the Child Victims Act. Chapter 11 also lets the Diocese try to settle claims with existing assets and insurance coverage.

The Diocese’s bankruptcy filing lists estimated assets between $10 million and $50 million and estimated liabilities between $50 to $100 million. As a part of the Chapter 11 filing, the US Bankruptcy Court will set a hard deadline for claims against the Diocese of Buffalo.

The Buffalo News has reported that more than 200 lawsuits were filed against the diocese alleging clergy abuse and the Diocese has paid more than $17.5 million through a victim’s compensation fund, known as the Diocese of Buffalo Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Program (IRCP).

In addition to the deadline, the Buffalo Diocese bankruptcy will create a limited fund for the compensation of victims.

If you were abused by a priest, clergyman, or other member of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Buffalo, you must act now to claim the compensation you deserve.

Don’t let the Diocese of Buffalo deny or minimize your sex abuse claim.

Get the help you deserve.

Contact an experienced and successful lawyer like Jordan Merson and his firm, Merson Law.

You Deserve Justice. Get Started Now.


Your privacy and safety is of the utmost importance to us. Please know that anything you share through this website is secure and confidential. You can call our office directly: ‪(212) 603-9100‬. Your contacting Merson Law is confidential.

In order to qualify, you may need an Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Program Lawyer, also known as an IRCP Lawyer or IRCP Attorney.

The Catholic Church sex abuse scandal continues to make news with more and more victims coming out to claim the help they need.

Many of these victims don’t get the full compensation they deserve.

Do not miss your opportunity for monetary compensation.

Jordan Merson, Founder of Merson Law, New York’s top sex abuse law firm and winner of the largest sexual assault verdict in New York State History has helped numerous sexual abuse victims of the Catholic Church receive the compensation they truly deserve.

Merson Law philadelphia archdiocese IRRP pittsburgh diocese ircp

Attorney Jordan Merson has been successful in helping numerous sex abuse victims of the catholic church get the compensation they need and deserve, with child sex abuse cases with the New York IRCP , the Syracuse IRCP , the  Buffalo IRCP, and the Philadelphia IRRP.

Jordan Merson and his firm, Merson Law, have been featured on many prominent media outlets for championing justice for sexual abuse victims.

And now Merson Law is representing church sex victims of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Buffalo.

Call Now to Get Started

Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Program (IRCP) for Victim-Survivors of Abuse Information

The key features of the Buffalo IRCP are as follows*:

  • The Buffalo IRCP is purely voluntary; no individual is required to participate in the Program.
  • To register, please provide you name, contact information, and a summary description of the nature of the claim, including the dates and location of the abuse and name of the perpetrator. Or simply contact us.
  • New complaints of abuse received through the Buffalo IRCP must be reported to the local office of the District Attorney and to the Diocese of Buffalo for review. This is extremely complicated and daunting.

Let Merson Law take care of this task for you

  • Individuals who previously submitted a complaint of sexual abuse of minors to the Diocese will have an opportunity to seek compensation from the IRCP.
  • Individuals who have not previously filed a complaint with the Diocese may register to participate in the Program on or before May 16, 2018* .

  • Survivors who claimed abuse by lay teachers (public/private school teachers, college professors, or other teachers that are not employed by the Diocese of Buffalo) or members of religious orders will not receive compensation from the Buffalo IRCP fund. It is limited to individuals abused by priests, bishops, or deacons.

Get the help that you need in maximizing your compensation from the Buffalo IRCP.

*Please note that the Buffalo IRCP has formally closed, however victims are still eligible for compensation with the help of an IRCP lawyer.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the Buffalo Diocese Bankruptcy & IRCP

What is the Independent Reconciliation Compensation Program (IRCP)?

The Independent Reconciliation Compensation Program, or IRCP for short, offers an opportunity for victims of sexual assault by a Priest to submit information about the abuse and be awarded monetary compensation.

What is the deadline to apply to the IRCP program?

May 16, 2018 is the initial deadline for Phase I claims.

How do I apply to claim compensation from the IRCP?

You will receive a letter in the mail and that will tell you how to apply.   If you do not receive a letter by February 28, 2018, this may be in error and you should contact a lawyer immediately to see what to do next.

How much does an IRCP Lawyer cost?

As a sexual abuse survivor and sex abuse victim in this situation, you will not pay anything to a lawyer unless they win you money from the IRCP settlement program. At Merson Law, you will get a free private, caring and confidential consultation.  Merson Law also does not charge hourly fees for our legal services.

Do I have to retain an IRCP lawyer?

No. However, you will eventually need a lawyer to help you understand and sign the settlement documents before you get money. You can either have a lawyer provided to you by the Diocese, or you can pick out your own private lawyer, which is recommended.

Do I have to apply for IRCP?

The IRCP settlement program is NOT mandatory and you do not lose any of your rights to sue the Roman Catholic Church Buffalo Diocese unless the amount of money offered to you is acceptable. However, you have nothing to lose by participating in the IRCP program unless the amount of money offered to you is acceptable.

If I accept the money, do I have to keep what happened to me confidential?

NO, you don’t have to remain silent in the face of your abusers. Rest assured that you will not be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Your pain, the horrible abuse you went through because of the Buffalo Diocese and your story of survival will always be yours to tell in your voice. You can still discuss whatever happened with anyone you like.

If I apply for the program, is the information public?

NO. This is a private program. People will only learn about what happened to you if you tell them.

How much is my IRCP sex abuse claim worth?

The monetary value of your IRCP claim depends on many factors. We have represented individuals in the IRCP programs in New York, Brooklyn, Syracuse and Rockville Centre and can provide you with information about how claims are evaluated. Rest assured that we will fight to get you the maximum amount allowed.

Should I hire an IRCP Lawyer?

Hiring a Lawyer for the IRCP sex abuse claim settlement process is entirely voluntary and ultimately your choice. However, in order to ensure your IRCP claim submission is accurate, complete and gives you the best chance at getting the most amount of money, it just makes sense to hire an IRCP experienced Lawyer. At Merson Law, we will prepare your entire submission, get records and evidence from third parties and communicate with the Diocese, IRCP and their lawyers on your behalf.

What if I have not previously told the Buffalo Diocese about the abuse?

Don’t worry. Just because you didn’t say anything before doesn’t mean it’s not a valid claim. You may still be entitled to compensation. Give us a call or write to us to get some help and clarity around this sensitive issue. Remember this is all confidential and you don’t have to be afraid or ashamed. You deserve justice.

Do you still have questions not answered above or about the Buffalo Diocese IRCP settlement program in general?

We understand that surviving sexual abuse at the hands of somebody you are supposed to be able to trust is incredibly tough and affects your entire life. That’s why it’s so important to get the help you deserve from people who truly care. Call Merson Law anytime at 212 603-9100 or use the confidential contact form below for help. We are happy to answer any of your questions any time and will do so with the utmost of confidentiality, completely free of charge.

Helpful Links with Information & News about the Colorado IRRP

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Your privacy and safety is of the utmost importance to us. Please know that anything you share through this website is secure and confidential. You can call our office directly: ‪(212) 603-9100‬. Your contacting Merson Law is confidential.