On October 7, 2019, The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Denver announced Tuesday that it has gone live with the Colorado IRRP (Independent Reconciliation and Reparations Program) to compensate victims of clergy sex abuse.
In order to qualify, you may need an Independent Reconciliation and Reparations Program Lawyer, also known as an IRRP Lawyer or IRRP Attorney.
The Catholic Church sex abuse scandal continues to make news with more and more victims coming out to claim the help they need.
Many of these victims don’t get the full compensation they deserve.
Do not miss your opportunity for monetary compensation.
Jordan Merson, Founder of Merson Law, New York’s top sex abuse law firm and winner of the largest sexual assault verdict in New York State History has helped numerous sexual abuse victims of the Catholic Church receive the compensation they truly deserve.

Attorney Jordan Merson has been successful in helping numerous sex abuse victims of the catholic church get the compensation they need and deserve, with child sex abuse cases with the New York IRCP , the Syracuse IRCP , the Buffalo IRCP, and the Philadelphia IRRP.
Jordan Merson and his firm, Merson Law, have been featured on many prominent media outlets for championing justice for sexual abuse victims.
And now Merson Law is representing church sex victims of the Roman Catholic Church of Colorado.