Sex Abuse Victims of The Diocese of Allentown, Pennsylvania
You may be entitled to monetary compensation.
MAXIMIZE your compensation by calling an experienced sex abuse lawyer.
Act Now! Deadline is September 30, 2019.
You may be entitled to monetary compensation.
MAXIMIZE your compensation by calling an experienced sex abuse lawyer.
Act Now! Deadline is September 30, 2019.
In light of the #metoo movement and the scandals regarding the Catholic Church, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Allentown, Pennsylvania has set aside millions of dollars for compensating victims abused by priests and clergymen.
The funds are allocated through an Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Program (IRCP). Many Catholic Dioceses have created programs like this one, and more are beginning to follow suit as pressure from the public increases.
The Diocese of Allentown has also provided a list of 52 priests credibly accused of sexual assault, mirroring a grand jury report released last summer that revealed sexual abuse accusations against 301 priests in Pennsylvania.
Many of these priests have committed multiple offenses. Some fled the country, and others were moved to new locations by the Church itself. Thousands of children have suffered at the hands of these men. Many of these children are now grown, and many may not know what to do or how to deal with the trauma that comes with sexual assault of this nature.
Many of these victims don’t get the full compensation they deserve.
Do not miss your opportunity for monetary compensation.
Jordan Merson, Founder of Merson Law, New York’s top sex abuse law firm and winner of the largest sexual assault verdict in New York State History has helped numerous sexual abuse victims of the Catholic Church receive the compensation they truly deserve.
Attorney Jordan Merson has been successful in helping numerous sex abuse victims of the catholic church get the compensation they need and deserve, with child sex abuse cases with the New York IRCP , the Syracuse IRCP , the Buffalo IRCP, and the Philadelphia IRRP.
Jordan Merson and his firm, Merson Law, have been featured on many prominent media outlets for championing justice for sexual abuse victims.
And now Merson Law is representing sexual assault victims of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Allentown, PA.
The Diocese of Allentown is just one of 5 Roman Catholic Dioceses in Pennsylvania compensating victims.
Churches across the country have begun to create programs to financially compensate victims. Most of these programs follow a similar structure, like that of the Philadelphia Archdiocese.
The church allocates a set amount to the program fund, and opens up a window of time for victims to sign up. At the end of the program, the money is divided amongst those who have signed on. Programs like this are NOT a lawsuit, and often they require you to waive your right to sue.
It is important that you consult an experienced IRCP lawyer before you participate in the Allentown IRCP.
Merson Law has provided some information about the program to inform victims before they sign up.
“The Diocese of Allentown was formed on January 28, 1961, when Pope John XXIII signed a document separating the counties of Berks, Carbon, Lehigh, Northampton and Schuylkill from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. The news became public February 15. The following April 11, Bishop Joseph McShea, then auxiliary bishop of Philadelphia, was installed as the first Bishop of Allentown by Archbishop Egidio Vagnozzi, Apostolic Delegate to the United States in the new Cathedral Church of Saint Catharine of Siena in Allentown.
Bishop Thomas Welsh succeeded Bishop McShea in 1983, followed by Bishop Edward Cullen in 1998 and Bishop John Barres in 2009. Like Bishop McShea, Bishops Welsh and Cullen were former Auxiliary Bishops of Philadelphia. Bishop Barres was a priest of the Diocese of Wilmington, DE, when he was appointed. He became the first priest ordained a Bishop in Allentown’s Cathedral of St. Catharine of Siena. Seven-and-a-half years later, he became the first Allentown Bishop to be transferred when Pope Francis appointed him the Fifth Bishop of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, NY.
As the Fifth Bishop of Allentown, Pope Francis, on June 27, 2017 appointed Monsignor Alfred A. Schlert. Bishop Schlert is the first priest ordained for the Diocese of Allentown to be appointed Bishop of the Diocese. He was ordained a Bishop and installed as Bishop of Allentown on August 31, 2017.
Catholics form the largest single religious group in the five counties of the Diocese. In the 84 parishes of the Diocese, there are more than 252,000 registered Catholics, representing more than 20 percent of the general population.”
Taken from The Diocese of Allentown official website.
If you were sexually assaulted in any way as a child by any member of the Diocese of Allentown, whether or not they were listed in the document provided, you can receive monetary compensation.
In many cases, victim compensation programs have their own vetting process to determine who they will accept. People often wonder if they have enough evidence, or if the church will believe them. Only you know the truth, and if you were the victim of sexual assault, we can help you to take care of the paperwork.
The Allentown IRCP has already begun.
Time is of the essence, as the IRCP ends on September 30, 2019.
Be sure to act fast as to not miss out on this opportunity.
Victims programs often advertise that you do not need a lawyer to sign up, and that one will be provided for you when you do. This is true, but misleading. The lawyer provided to you by the church will not be YOUR lawyer. He or she works for the interest of the church, not for you, and is mostly retained for the church’s own legal protections.
Like in most legal matters, you’ll receive more compensation if you have a lawyer. Additionally, as mentioned before, victims’ programs often require you to sign away your right to sue, among other things. We do not want you to get “tricked” by the church’s lawyers. Having your own lawyer present assures you that you completely understand the process and that you do not inadvertently sign off on things you didn’t mean to.
As an experienced sexual assault lawyer, Jordan Merson understands that not everyone can afford costly lawyer fees. Despite this, it is incredibly important for victims to have proper representation in these matters. Merson takes no out of pocket fee from the client for this reason.
The Morning Call: Allentown Diocese opens its new compensation fund to victims of priest sex abuse
Wikipedia: Roman Catholic Diocese of Allentown
If you have any further questions about the Diocese of Allentown, compensation programs, sexual assault litigation, etc, don’t hesitate to call our offices.