Sex Abuse Victims of Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester

You may be entitled to monetary compensation.

MAXIMIZE your compensation by calling an experienced sex abuse lawyer to help with your Diocese of Rochester claim.

Deadline for submission: August 13, 2020

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Diocese of Rochester Sacred Heart Cathedral Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

Act Now. Deadline is August 13!

Don’t let the Diocese of Rochester deny or minimize your sex abuse claim.

Get the help you deserve.

Contact an experienced and successful lawyer like Jordan Merson and his firm, Merson Law.

You Deserve Justice. Get The Best Representation.


Your privacy and safety is of the utmost importance to us. Please know that anything you share through this website is secure and confidential. You can call our office directly: ‪(212) 603-9100‬. Your contacting Merson Law is confidential.

Diocese of Rochester Sex Abuse Claims

On September 12, 2019, The Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester filed for protection under chapter 11 of title 11 of the United States Code, known as the “Bankruptcy Code.”

The Catholic Church sex abuse scandal continues to make news with more and more victims coming out to claim the help they need and the compensation they deserve. The bankruptcy filing by the diocese may hurt sex abuse victims’ chances for justice and closure even though the Diocese of Rochester still intends to pay victims of sexual abuse by priests and clergy.

But the Bankruptcy Court has established August 13, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. EST as the deadline to file proofs of claim against the Diocese.

Many of these victims don’t get the full compensation they deserve.

Do not miss your opportunity for monetary compensation.

Jordan Merson, Founder of Merson Law, New York’s top sex abuse law firm and winner of the largest sexual assault verdict in New York State History has helped numerous sexual abuse victims of the Catholic Church receive the compensation they truly deserve.


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Attorney Jordan Merson has been successful in helping numerous sex abuse victims of the catholic church get the compensation they need and deserve, with child sex abuse cases with the New York IRCP , the Syracuse IRCP , the  Buffalo IRCP, and the Philadelphia IRRP.

Jordan Merson and his firm, Merson Law, have been on many prominent media outlets for championing justice for sexual abuse victims.

And now Merson Law is representing church sex victims of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester, NY.

Don’t Miss Your Opportunity!

Information for Victim-Survivors of Abuse in the Diocese of Rochester

Background Information:

Fearing a “flood” of litigation from survivors, the Diocese of Rochester filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy to protect itself from claims that may “exceed its resources,” as the Diocese’s assets are estimated at $100-$500 million.

In addition to filing bankruptcy, the Diocese has set a cut-off date for all claims at August 13, 2020.

What you need to know:

  • Filing a claim against the Diocese of Rochester is purely voluntary; no individual is required to do so by law.
  • To register, please provide you name, contact information, and a summary description of the nature of the claim, including the dates and location of the abuse and name of the perpetrator. Or simply contact us.
  • New complaints of abuse  must be reported to the local office of the District Attorney and to the Diocese of Rochester for review. This is extremely complicated and daunting.

Let Merson Law take care of this task for you

Get the help that you need in maximizing your compensation.

Helpful Links with Information & News about the Diocese of Rochester Bankruptcy and Claims

Act Now. Deadline is August 13!

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Act Now. Deadline is August 13!

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